I've combined the "Current Missions Log" site with this one, the other one alone was really pointless. So check out the new pages on the left...though if you're new they're all new!

I haven't seen a new Stargate episode since last September!!!! I was just at the Showtime Stargate site and the schedule has all old episodes listed all the way through February! Come on!!! Throw us a bone! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE SOME NEW EPISODES!!!!!!!!!


I apologize for not updating in a while, I was also without the internet for quite some time.

September 11th, 2001

This morning I learned of the terrorist attacks on my country, the United States of America. Tonight I listened to the President address the nation. Bush said the United States would retaliate against ``those behind these evil acts,'' and any country that harbors them.

With smoke still pouring out of rubble in Washington and New York, he said, ``These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.''

He asked the nation to pray for the families of the victims and quoted the Book of Psalms, ``And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Pslam 23. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.''

``Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom, came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.'' He said thousands of lives were ``suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror,''

Welcome! On behalf of Athena I welcome you all to her site! I am Bethany and will be posting updates and other news as she works on getting up mission logs and carries out current missions at the SGC. Here is a note from her to you:

"On this site I'll include everything about my life at the SGC, including 'mission' reviews, cast biographies and more as the site ages. But for now you'll just have to hang in there as I and my helpers get all my info up!"

There were many updates before this.  I only began archiving on June 27th, 2002.
Update Archive
I've moved most of the site here to Geocities.  The main focus now is completing the Mission Guide.  Athena assures me that she will work on it.  Since my classes and personal life are very hectic this week.


Hey I'm alive!  And had a GREAT time at Gatecon 2002!
Just to let you all know the site is moving to Geocities soon.  After I get it up and running I'll send everyone over there intead of here.
I'm also putting up my journal of Gatecon, no pictures till I figure how I'm going to get them online.

I've made a little Season Six logo.  I've put up all the season six mission reviews.  Athena's still working on the others.  Added Corin Nemec's Cast Bio.
Peace, out.
Great news!  I've just bought plane tickets to Vancouver on Sept. 11th 2002!  I also bought tickets for Sekh's Party as well as GATECON!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited to get to go this year and meet all sorts of wonderful people! 

If you've gone before and/or are going this year email me!

So in honor of my trip I will finish uploading Athena's logs!  It may take all summer but it will be done come September 11th!


I plan on doing something today, though I'm not sure what yet.  I'm a little dissapointed with the new episodes on the Scifi channel.


Bethany here, despite recent tragic events Athena has written a little that she'd like to share:

"We'll all miss you Daniel, you've always been there and been the voice of reason in our lives.  More then that you've been a friend...I wish there was a better word: 'friend' just doesn't seem to do you justice.  I'll never forget you or what you've done for me, for us, for mankind and for all those other planets and people you've touched.  The only words that give me comfort are the words spoken by the heiresis child, Sha're's child when you asked him if we'd ever see him again...'All roads lead to the great path'...'Some cross along the way.'  So till our roads cross somehow or we reach the point where we both walk the great path...I love you...and...I'll see you soon."

Bethany again, just wanted to let you know that Athena may not be staying with the SGC much longer.  The site will continue and I will put up the rest of her journal entries for the various missions but she may not return.  Only time will tell if the wound can heal enough for her to continue on in the Stargate program...sorry. 

On a more personal note Daniel's death was a great loss, he has always been the one person I tuned in to watch.  It was his character in the original movie that sparked that historical interest in me.  It was Daniel that made me want to learn...I can't tell you how much he meant or how much he will be missed.  I did love that character and I will have to force myself to watch the next season...without him.
Okay some major updates.  I've added a Recreation Center, it has puzzles, trivia and my Gatecon 2002 journal. 

I also plan on making a Site Guide page.  It will give visitors a detailed layout of the site. This way if you want to find one thing in particular you can figure out right where it is without searching all over.
Well I've updated again!
I've made a bunch of SG-1 and Gatecon buddy icons for those of you who have AIM.  The page is still under construction and I'll still making icons so bare with me.  The page is only up because I wanted to have it available to you all as soon as possible, so enjoy!
Also just updated the News section.

I plan on organizing the pictures better today, by topic and by quality.


I've got all the rest of my Gatecon pictures up!  They divided up onto two pages: Charity Auction and Sekh's Party/Panels/Auto Sessions.  There not in any particular order, but the newest pics are towards the bottom. Enjoy!


I've got pictures from Gatecon up...though it's only half of them so far!  Stay tuned, I hope to get the rest of them up this week.

I was thinking that I might actually get up a link to his site on the original site (duh).  Since no one really knows about this site yet.  But don't get me wrong, I've wanted to before but for a while Tripod just wouldn't let me sign in.  So as long as they're cooperating today I'll do that!

Also I plan on getting up some of MY Gatecon 2002 pictures!
My college has a scanner and I'm doing my best to get access to it!

Made a "Jonas  Friendly Site" button.  It's on the left hand side of the screen at the bottom.  I just thougt I should support him.  I'm a Daniel fan too, but he has enough of those buttons already! 
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