Sept 14/04
Quote from "Lessons from the Light"

by psychic George Anderson

"Because animals are so prized by the Infinite Light
for their ability to love and forgive both here and hereafter,
the souls there have also told me that cruelty toward animals
is a much greater offense to the Infinite Light than even cruelty toward another human being.


Because animals, at the hands of humans, are unable to defend themselves properly and must suffer the pain inflicted upon them in silence.
" "Take care of your pets----for their sake and for your life review�s sake.
They are the closest thing to God that we will ever find on the earth."
Baby suffered years of neglect tied up out side 24/7 with her sister not cared or loved by her human owners. She was turned into the humane society because she was sick and to much trouble to care for. Baby and her sister were picked up by a loving man who showed her in her last few days of life  what being loved was all about. Bless you Bob for giving this little girl a few days of joy and love
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