8/23/03 - 1/10/04
Why, Bama, why?

Oh Bama...why did you cross that busy street?
Why didn�t you just stay at home?
Why did you follow Savannah?
You turned my world upside down
And my heart shattered into pieces
When I saw you lying on the bricks.
I dropped to my knees and rubbed you
Calling for you to come back, please come back,
Your life passing by before my eyes.

Oh brought such pure joy in my life.
I watched you grow through pictures at first.
The first week you were asleep and so small.
The second week you opened your eyes at last!
The third week you explored the outside world
With such curiosity in your expressive eyes.
You learned to play with your siblings and toys.
The sixth week, you galloped happily outside
Under the warm sun, eating leaves, ewww...

We picked you because we were told
You would be the best.
Oh, they were right, you were so beautiful
We fell so hard in love with you.
On your way to your new home with us in our car, 
You climbed on my shoulders and snored.
My heart burst with love as I watched you eat, play, sleep.
You had a funny way of eating; the way you looked at me with
Such sad eyes that never failed to soften my heart,
Making me smile; I couldn�t stay mad at you; 
The way you slept in my arms as I cradled you like a baby,
So peaceful, loudly snoring --oh yes you were loud,
Always dreaming of running and playing.
I loved it when you woke me up with your wet kisses,
Bringing smiles to my face, making me laugh all the times.
I loved it when you followed me everywhere in the house,
Staying close by my side.
I smiled as you and Savannah snuggled with each other.
You and Savannah played so well together.
Yes, I know Savannah was rough with you, but
As you grew stronger day by day,
You learned to be confident and defend yourself.

That fateful morning, you decided to climb on the chair
For the first time and licked the milk from my cereal bowl.
I walked into the den, and my jaw dropped when I saw you.
Oh Bama, you were getting bigger and now independent!
You looked at me with your
�Wha...what?� eyes. I scolded at you,
No no no, that�s wrong!
You calmly strolled away, very confident.
I couldn�t stay mad at you, I was so proud of you.

Oh Bama...why did you cross that busy street?
Why didn�t you just stay at home?
Why did you follow Savannah?
You turned my world upside down
And my heart shattered into pieces
When I saw you lying on the bricks.
You were only five months old.
My life will never be the same.
I sorely miss you so much.
I so dearly love you forever, Bama.

Oh Bama...why?
Your Forever Loving Mom
Peggy Mnich
Lost Loves
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