9/1/91 - 3/5/04

It was a cold winter day when I walked into the Putnam Humane Society.  After losing my rescued English Setter, Pebbles, 2 1/2 years prior, I had finally found the courage to give away my heart once again.
     I knew exactly what I wanted...a small, female, adult dog.  But!...I saw 'him' and it was then that I believed in love at first sight.  The most endearing eyes of a large, male, 5 month old puppy caught my attention, and I was never the same again.
     We shared the most beautiful of lives together for more than 12 years that went much too quickly.  He truly was my "son", my "little man", my "heart boy" and he filled my heart with a joy that could never be replaced.  I thank God for creating such a loving little guy and allowing him to be in my life.
     Now...where is my buddy who waited next to the shower for me every morning, would follow me from room to room, and only take his eyes off of me when he was asleep?  Where is my Champy who helped me raise my children, tame feral kittens, and welcome every new life that we brought into our home? Where is my little boy whose devotion, patience, and kindness touched everyone who met him in a most unforgetable way?
     "Champy, I have always loved you so deeply.  Your presence both spiritually and physically was so great and while you are no longer by my side, you will always live in my heart.
  I'll love you forever."   Love, Mommy
Lost Loves Page
Do Not Mourn My Passing
Do not mourn my passing for if you could only see
by slipping all my earthly bonds, I'm young again and free.
By day I run the Heavenly fields, my body healthy and strong
At night I sleep at Angels' Feet, lulled by Celestial Song.
So do not mourn my passing, just close your eyes - you'll see
I'm once again that frisky pup, just as you remember me
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