Mindy Sue Handley
January 26, 1996 - July 29, 2003
Yesterday God I stayed on my knees asking you to watch over my Mindy Sue and to help her get well. Instead God, you let her die alone and you did not let me even have a chance to hold her one more time, tell her I loved her with all my heart and see her off to the bridge. God, I am angry. So many times you have answered my prayers but this time you turned your back and went about what you were doing. Why did you not take care of my Mindy Sue God? Last night and this morning I petted  her lifeless body in that box, growing stiff and over and over told her how sorry I was that I had made the decision I made to make her have the surgery and now she is dead. God, how could you have allowed me, knowing how much I love her, drive her to her death? How God when you so many times help me bring life and hope to the little homeless dogs did you turn your back on one of my own "kids"? Are they not important to you God?

This morning as I was asking God for strength to get me through this horrible event, He came to me and this is what he said.

"All the creates of the earth belong to me.  I loan them for a time, to offer love to others. I heard your prayers, neither you or Mindy Sue were alone.  I guided you to the best doctor to help her, held the surgeons hand steady as she removed the growth in her neck. I was there the first time that Mindy Sue's heart stopped and started to take her then but she told me that her Mom was not really good at taking care of herself and wanted to come back. She was so determined that I allowed her to come back while I went over to the Rainbow Bridge and got Miss Rosie and told her we had something we needed to do. Miss Rosie got really excited at first because she thought maybe you were coming but I told her no, not just yet, we had something else to do. So Miss Rosie gathered up her toys in a pile like she always does so no one else will play with them (yes, we call her the toy Nazi here also) and came with me. We told Mindy Sue that it was time for her to end this life and to move on to our next great adventure.  Miss Rosie being the little Mother she always is, lay beside Mindy Sue as her heart quit again and together Mindy Sue, Miss Rosie and I crossed over to our world so she could begin her next life.
I felt I had to take her sick, ravaged body and free it from pain and pain to come. I told her that she was not completely gone from you, but that now you and she, along with many other of your special friends live deep inside your heart and that you will carry her memory everywhere you go until it is time for all of you to once again be reunited.
Yes, Mindy Sue took a piece of your heart yesterday, but she also left a piece of her heart to help fill the gap. She said for me to tell you she will never be far away. She will be in the morning dew, the beautiful sunset, the rainbow and all the wonderful places that were so special to both of you......and that she will always be your "sweetie pea".
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