My Forever Family

I know that it must be different,
now that I am no longer there.
I realize how much I was loved
and how all of you did care.
I know it will be hard at first
when you look around for me.
Expecting to find me in my bed
or beside my favorite tree.
Someday you will begin to see
although it'll take some time,
the happy times you shared with me,
the memories are yours and mine.
I'll remember you, my family,
and how much you meant to me.
So please don't grieve and don't be sad,
it was just my time to leave.

Author Unkown
Olive Oyl
March 20 2004
Olive Oyl known at first as Granny was found starving in a field in December. Rescue took her in and she was adopted by a wonderful lady who loved her and cared for her and brought her back to health. Through an unfortunate accident this beautiful little lady has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She touched the hearts od many with her strong will to live and she will be forever loved and remembered by her family . Rest in Peace sweet girl and know you were loved totally by your family.
Lost Loves Page
Popeye and Olive Oyl
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