The The Ribbon Of Timeof Time
by Bobbi Talisman

A glance about the room that comes to rest upon my toys
Wraps your heart in sorrow, crowding out the many joys.

The small impression left upon my bed results in pain;
You fear you cannot--will not--feel a love like ours again.

My collar, silent now, unworn, reminds how deep the wound;
The bowls, now standing empty, say your heart's not healing soon.

But time is just a ribbon, doubled back to front and sealed;
An ever-winding journey 'long which mysteries are revealed.

The deepest mystery? As you'll learn: we've shared our lives before--
And share again, we shall, my friend, for once there's love, there's more.

So, patience, peace, and promise are my gifts to you each day
Till the ribbon wraps our lives again in its wondrous way
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