I didn't want to love you,
I didn't want to care.
But then I looked into your eyes
and couldn't help but stare.

I could feel your fear,
I saw into your soul.
I didn't have a choice in this
my heart, with love, was full.

I had to take this risk,
You learned to trust again.
And though I knew our time was short,
we became the best of friends.

You were always by my side.
You brought a smile to my face each day.
In your eyes I could see such love,
that look will never be erased.

I always knew you would go too soon
I wished it wouldn't have to be.
Living with that thought was torment
I wanted you to stay forever with me.

Each time I would think of it
tears came to my eyes.
I didn't know how I could let you go--
I didn't want to say goodbye.

When that dreadful day came to be
I held you ever so tight.
It was heartwrenching to let you go
but, for you, I had to do what was right.

I kissed your sweet little head,
I told you of my love
I waited 'til the angels came for you
to take you to the heavenly place above.

The sorrow I felt that day still lingers
but the memories remain strong
and what I know to be true more than anything else
is that I was so blessed to have had you in my life, even for that long.

Death can't take you away from me
Because the bond of love is too strong to sever
You're tucked safely in my heart
Where you will remain with me forever.

I didn't want to love you,
I didn't want to care.
I'm so glad you left me with no choice
and with you, my life, I did share.

How I miss my sweet boy & what a blessing he was after all.
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