Denham's Boopin Delaney

To my little princess,

The tears are rolling down my face as I type this..
You were the best little girl, you brought so much joy to my life in the almost 3 short years that I had you. You were the best mommy to your babies, and I will never forget how you liked to ride in the back seat of my car, "Driving Miss Delaney"
The way you pranced into a room, the way you snuggled with me at night, always keeping my feet warm.
I hope you know how much you meant to me and how very special you were, and how you touched so many peoples lives.
You didn't deserve to be killed by those neighbor dogs, I am so sorry your life ended so tragicly. I'm sorry I never got a chance to say good bye to you. I will miss you forever my little princess, I will never forget you, for you will always be in my heart. I look forward to the day we meet again at Rainbow bridge, and then we will never be apart again.
Good bye my angel,
Mommy loves you
11/21/98 - 08/27/01
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