Donna got Kellie in 1987, in Florida. Through Donna's moves from Florida to
Arizona to California, Kellie was always at her side.

Kellie was the epitome of a feisty terrier - she definitely thought she was
much bigger than her actual size. Donna loved her feistiness.

One of Kellie's very favorite things in the world was going for walks. The
minute she knew you were going for her leash, her excitement couldn't be
contained. And, if it was getting close to the time she knew she should be
going for a walk, she'd let you know she was ready by huffing and puffing
and finally barking to make sure you knew she was waiting.

She was a champion beggar - sometimes she'd let out a little yip, but more
often she would just sit quietly and put her foot out towards you, gently
(or not so gently) letting you know she was still there waiting for her
tidbit from your plate.

I'm not sure what else to say about Kellie except that she was just the best
little companion to my sister for over 15 years. She will be sorely missed
by our whole family.
Look not where I was
For I am not there
My spirit is free
I am everywhere

In the air that you breathe
In the sounds that you hear
Don't cry for me Mom
My spirit is near

I'll watch for you
From the other side
I'll be the one running
New friends by my side

Smile at my memory
Remember in your heart
This isn't the end
It's a brand new start

By: Carol Kufner
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