Little Bit Frisky Conway
    Tonight, at 5:30 p.m., my Little Bit Frisky Conway crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  She died in my arms.  I was caressing her and hugging her at the time, had kissed her several times and told her how much I loved her, she looked me right in the eyes, gave me a very slight lick on the cheek, then suddenly, she was gone.  I did not expect her to go that quickly or so soon.  At least I can console myself with the thought that she died in my arms, knowing she was deeply loved, and her last little lick was just her way of saying goodbye to someone she deeply loved too.  My son, Steve had left not too long before and managed to give her a kiss and hug with some "I love you's too" before he left.  My Little Bit was the best of the best and there never can be another like her.  There will always be an empty place in my heart that only she can fill.  I just hope that she is there for me when I cross that Bridge.  Goodbye my love.....
Remembering Little Bit

I was chosen today
I'm learning to fly
the angels took me away,
but please don't  cry

And I chosen today
to be pain free and strong
so please don't you cry
and don't say that I'm gone

When you're feeling alone
just remember our love,
I'm up near the stars
sending kisses from above.

Remember our love
In a moment you'll see
that I'm still here beside you
when you're thinking of me.

When you look at a Rainbow
Know that I am there
I am your Litle Bit of
Waiting for kisses to share
Lost Loves
Crossed the Bridge Dec 8/02
"Let the world stop turning"
"Let the sun stop burning"
"Let them tell me Love's not worth going through"

"If it all falls apart"
"I will know deep in my heart"
"The Only dream that mattered had come true..."

"In this life I was loved by you"

-----Colin Raye "In This Life"
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