Little Man
August 2, 2002 -August 23, 2002
Little Man, as we lovingly called him was with us only three weeks.
He was born August 2, 2002 and Died August 23, 2002.

He was born with a medical problem that caused the ribcage to be disconnected from the sternum. The Vet said he would spend a life time of pain and breathing problems and the kindest thing to do was put him at peace.

So we stayed with Little Man while he went to sleep for the last time and brought him home and buried him in a sunny spot in the back yard.

Although we know this was the best most kindest act we could do for him, it still hurts so bad.

Gods speed Little Man, Mommy loves you
Come To Me
God saw you getting tired
When a cure was not to be
So He closed His arms around you
And whispered, "Come to Me."
You didn't deserve what you went through
and so He gave you rest,
God's garden must be beautiful
He only takes the best.
And when we saw you sleeping
So peaceful and free from pain,
We could not wish you back
To suffer that again.

Author Unknown
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