Little Man Lost
Little Man was a rescue Boston that never knew love. When he was rescued he was transported to a loving foster home. When he went to the vet he was diagnosed with heart worms. These were so bad that they took his sweet life.  In the short time he was in rescue he finally found out what love was.
The young pup and the older dog lay on shaded sweet grass watching the reunions.
Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes awhole family would approach the Rainbow Bridge,
be greeted by their loving pets and cross the bridge together.

The young pup playfully nipped at the older one. "Look! Something wonderful is happening!"
The older dog stood up and barked, "Quickly. Get
over to the path."

"But that's not my owner," whined the pup, but he did as he was told. Thousands of pets surged forward
as a figure in white walked on the path toward the bridge.

As the glowing figure passed each animal, that animal bowed its head in love and respect. The figure finally approached the bridge, and was met by a menagerie of joyous animals. Together, they all walked over the bridge and

The young pup was still in awe.
"Was that an angel?" he whispered.
"No, son." The older dog replied. "That was more than an angel.
That was a person who worked rescue."
This candle will burn so you will be remembered Little man
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