
I received Meghan as a gift from my parents in May of 1987. I have never loved a dog like I loved Meg!  As a puppy she was a bundle of energy but always loved to cuddle and kiss me.

Meg was there when I got married in 1988 and home waiting when we brought babies home in 1989 and 1992.  My kids loved her dearly and she them.  Meg had a litter of puppies in 1989 6 weeks before my daughter was born so we had a houseful of puppies and a brand new baby that Christmas.  We kept her son "Buddy" and gave another of the puppies to my mother.

This summer as we were in the process of moving, Meg wandered off and though we searched and searched we never found her.  I had planned to bury her under the big maple tree at our new home but never got that chance. 

Meghan, Rest in Peace and know how very much you were loved!

Gayle, Dean, Jordan and Jarrett
My Forever Pet

There�s something missing in my home,
I feel it day and night,
I know it will take time and strength
Before things feel quite right.

But just for now, I need to mourn,
My heart - it needs to mend.
Though some may say �it�s just a pet�,
I know I�ve lost a friend.

You�ve brought such laughter to our home,
and richness to our days...
A constant friend through joy or loss,
with gentle loving ways.

Companion, pal, and confidante,
A friend I won�t forget.
You�ll live for always in our hearts,
My sweet forever pet.

By: Suzanne Taylor
Lost Loves Page
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