among God's most perfect creations,
are alive and well on the other side, too.
(And to be honest, if they weren't,
I don't think I'd have the slightest interest in going there.)
All the animals that exist on earth
exist on the other side, without fear or aggression,
and they are appropriately cherished and respected
as the pure, innocent, guileless spirits they are . . .
The animals on the other side include every pet we've had
in this and in all our past lives, and they watch over us from there
with the same pure, steadfast loyalty they gave during their lifetimes . . .
When we first arrive on the other side,our spirit guides
and transcended loved ones can hardly get to us through all the animals
joyfully waiting to welcome us home.

- Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison,
in The Other Side and Back
Lost Loves Page
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