I Remember� My Love

I remember so well the first time I saw you�
So small & fuzzy.
So full of life.
It was love at first sight.

I remember so well bringing you home�
Watching you romp & play.
Giving me Eskimo kisses at bedtime.
I loved you more each day.

I remember so well feeling bad that you were alone all day--
Taking you to get a playmate.
Wondering if I could possibly love him like I did you.
I loved you so very much.

I remember so well you kissing away my tears when I was sad�
Looking into your sweet eyes.
I adored you�you were my �best girlfriend ever.�
I loved you even more than I knew I could.

I remember so well your funny ways�
Not wanting anyone to watch you go potty,
Not liking to get your pretty feet wet.
You made me laugh & I was in love with you.

I remember so well how you loved to eat�
You were a princess & an angel.
Too sophisticated for toys & always on my lap.
I loved you more than life itself.

I remember thinking I�d be old when you�d have to leave�
Earnestly thanking God for you every night
Calling you my angel-faced baby girl
You were the love of my life.

I remember so well that awful night�
The phone call, the anguish, no goodbye
My mind remains tormented wondering why.
You are my lost love.

No more looking into your eyes.
No more kissy faces.
An empty lap.
A hole in my heart.

But I remember it all & I will love you forever
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