

Valliere: Apparently Liah has gained the knowledge that we needed.

Reynaldo: How did she do that?

William: A gentleman never tells.

Reynaldo: Which is why I asked Valliere!

Valliere: You have offended my honor sir. I demand satisfaction!

Reynaldo: Ah, another duel! Wonderful! Unfortunately my countryman, Pierto, has priority as his duel was called first, but after I dispatch him I will gladly settle our dispute sir! Finally we get to cross swords Valliere! I have been looking forward to this.

Valliere: At your earliest convenience Vodacce dog. I only hope you do not suffer too much blood loss after the pup finishes gnawing on your ankle.

Reynaldo: I have no idea but it's good to see you actually showing emotion! I
thought you were never going to break that "noble" reserve of yours. Now,
lets see if we can lower that chin down low enough to manage to drink some
wine and get into a few tavern fights with William and I!

William: You know, I still have 3 wineskins full of that nice Ussuran vodka. It beats wine any day of the week! Need to find us a tavern though; a brawl does sound good!

Valliere: I will raise a cup of wine with you, certainly. But a common brawl? I think not. I am a swordsman sir and I take those responsibilities seriously. Vodka better than Wine? The fruit of the Vine versus a potato? Bah!

Reynaldo: You don't use a sword in a brawl! That would be rude! At worst you use a dagger.

Pierto: I just wanted to remind you gentlemen that Coleson's patron has MONEY! I am sure that our enterprising group could convince him to part with some of it...So you see, I don't have to waste, I mean spend, all my money on you!

William: What better place to relax than the vast estate of an Eisen noble. Peace, quiet, interesting cuisine... Sounds like paradise after a two-month trek across the known world. I, for one, know I'm tired of raising my blade to fend for my life. The time is due to raise a cup, and rejoice in it.

Reynaldo: Then we go get Valliere drunk

Valliere: Like that would prove difficult. I, sir, never was a slouch at raising a cup!

Pierto: Yes, we must get him drunk enough to believe he, not Laurent, is the servant!

Reynaldo: Ah good then we can settle accounts with Coleson as well. We may even be able to organize an expedition to recover the lost cargo.

Valliere: You are the last person I thought would want to go back to that dismal place.

Reynaldo: I don't want to go back, but still we cannot let that chance for profits just sit there!

William: He's Vodacce... that's usually enough

Reynaldo: What was that supposed to mean McCormick?

William: A nation of people willing to deal with Legion to make a couple of guilders can't be too frightened of a river beast. At least the beast can be bled, no?

Reynaldo: I will give you one chance to apologize and one only. Then, if you refuse, I will force you to kill another party member!

William: I'm quite sure you've had too much of this fine liquor, my friend... Go to sleep. I'm sure that fine young lass you've been making eyes at all night would be more than happy to tuck you in. In the morning, if you still remember the foolish words you've just uttered, let me know and we'll settle it then. If not, more the better for us both.

Pierto: I'll be his second.... I can't let a countryman die alone…

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