
From the Journal of Reginald Coleson

What a wonderful bit of luck, wot? My studies while under the 'employ' of Herr Heilgrund have certainly been interesting and informative but it has been some time since I have encountered such a wonderfully perserved example of a Sirneth artifact. This intricate little device apparently has a mate... Oh, but I get ahead of myself. This type of research can be most distracting, indeed. I must first tell you how I came by this object.

As noted in my journal several months ago I traveled briefly with a group of gentlemen and encountered much more 'adventure and intrigue' than I normally do or care to do. I don't recall the exact dates of my journal entries, or indeed even which journal these particular entries are written in. That is what comes from being both a prolific documenter and unorganized. I find that I never seem to keep all my entries in any type of order. But I digress yet again. These gentlemen were on their way from Montaigne to Ussura, I believe, on some mission or another. I am sure it was all very important but the details, if they were ever divulged, escape me. They agreed to help me square my debts with the ship's captain that brought me from the Western Isles to Eisen. As I am sure I noted in my journal, I had run out of funds and my cargo, not to mention my very self, was in jeapardy of being heaved overboard. Providence instead brought these, for the most part, kind gentlemen to my rescue.

After I gained their trust, they showed me a strange compass: I have never seen its like before. According to their story it supposedly continually points to its mate. They were using this to seach out the bearer of the other compass. They did not let me handle it too much at the time but promised to bring it to me after it had served their purpose. I let them know that Herr Heilgrund would be willing to pay a decent amount for such an object (as would the society if it were deemed in some way to dangerous for him to posess it...). In any light, I secured a promise from them to return the object to me at a later date. This I did very delicately with out appearing too insistent. These gentle men are, by and large, fairly honorable but I did not want to incur their ire. Not only could they prove usefull, but they were also very capable swordsmen.

In any event, much time passed and they have returned from their mission or what not. They found me here at Heilgrund's abode and I was both surprised and delighted to see them (and the compass) once again. Even now, I am about to begin testing the object in various non-intrusive manners. I could open the maginificent artifact (for indeed it is), but I fear that I would in some way mar it or destroy it (and possibly myself) in the process, so I will content myself with studying its external features and markings in great detail to determine its overall purpose and function, if possible.

I shall begin this as soon as my quill leaves this page and will add detail of my findings as soon as possible.

-R. Coleson

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