
Letter from Enrique to his Beloved Abuela

My beloved Abuela,

After far too long of an exile, I find myself on Castillian soil once again.
Oh, how I've missed this land. It's as beautiful as I remembered. At the same
time it is hideous to me.

I am once again on the run from the Inquisition so I dare not approach our
families estates. As Sophia, I'm sure has informed you of my traveling
companions, I will not bore you with details of them, save for one.

A remarkable lad. He would be likable were he not Vodacce. He's young, far
younger, I think than he admits to, but I digress. My Avalonian companion
William picked him up in "occupied" Castille, shortly before we crossed the Rio
de Delia. Lately he seems to have a knack for picking up stray dogs. Ah,
again, I digress, I seem to do that more and more lately.

The boy, Talen, seems to be a nice enough kid. There is something about him
though. He pretends to be something that which is is not, a common thief.
There is an intelligence in his eyes that marks him as much more than what he
appears to be. According to William, he almost single handedly helped my
companions to escape the Inquisition's prison. Avalonians, tend to exaggerate
though, so as for how much of a role Talen played, I may never truly know. In
any case, he is one that needs watching, for other than obvious reasons.

I must leave off for now. We head to San Cristobal, there to acquire
transportation to Vodacce.

Email Enrique Montoya (a.k.a. Rick) directly to discuss his history and journal entries as well as his impact on the game and the other characters!

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