Interlude VIII: Letter to Dona Sophia de la Cruz

My Beautiful Lady,

I have not yet heard from you so I assume that you are visiting our friend S.H., or should I say that I hope you are. After being gone from Castille for so long, I have finally found a way to help in the war effort. My companions and I have a ship now, the El Ventura Errante. Although it is only a two-master, it is a very fine ship; fast and sleek, it is ideally suited to running the Montaigne blockade.

In fact, as I write this letter, we are preparing to set sail for San Augustine. I have contracted the ship out to our Embassy here in Carleon. We are to carry some cargo, dispatches and two passengers of minor note through the blockade. I don’t know what our cargo is, but it is very important to our war effort and I know that I shall not fail in delivering it safely. I can not fail for too many lives hang in the balance.

From Castille I sail to Vodacce to see to a friend, then back to Avalon for a time and from there, on to Eisen. I hope to see you in one of those countries.

Enrique Montoya

Journal Entry Eighteen

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