Journal Entry Eleven:

The betrayal continues. They do not even give me time to recover from the last wound when they stab me in the back again. This time it feels as if they dig the blade around a little. Twisting it. With Reynaldo gone it is Vallierre and William. Yes, Vallierre has returned, just in time, it seems to betray me.

It has only been a day since Reynaldo's death. We, William, Lia, Colesun, the former first mate of the Sea Shoal, and myself were discussing what to do, and where to go, when a Montaigne ship appeared. It was only a merchantman, but even a merchant ship carries cannon. And this particular ship appears to have been appropriated by DuChevalier as musketeers could be seen swarming all over the deck like ants on sugar. The sea dogs scatter, taking refuge in the forest. Turning to run, a cannon blasts the woods apart in front of us. A warning shot, telling us to surrender. This is bad, very bad.

Two long boats are being lowered from the deck. They are overloaded with musketeers. Without horses, escape seems unlikely. Every time we even flinch we receive and answering shot from the ship, both cannon and musket. Ba-boom! Unbelievable! The ship just exploded. The two long boats are overturned by the force of the explosion. Running. Escape. What was unlikely before is now easily accomplished.

There are five of us now. William, Lia, Colesun, myself of course and one of the sea dogs, James. He was apparently a friend of Lia's, and for reasons of their own, they both have decided to join us on our voyage to Ussura. Colesun, so far seems only interested in going to Freiburg, the current Eisen capitol. Eisen. Judging by the devastation of the landscape, we have definitely reached Eisen.

This is a dead land. The fields, are all barren. The only thing that grows here are weeds, and some trees. Even those are decaying. This is the product of war. Horror! Will this be Castille? When we are finally able to drive the Montaigne from our land, will they do this in retaliation. I pray to Theus they don't, but I feel in my heart and soul, that they will. What manner of evil could do this?

After several days journey we arrive in some desolate town. In the distance a citadel can be seen. The refuge of the local Eisenfurst. Rumors persist that he is insane. I believe them. Any man who would salt the earth of his own country must be insane. This town of his is no better off than the few farmsteads we did see. Poverty. That one word describes every individual in this hamlet.

After some searching, we managed to find an inn. There we happened to meet up with Vallierre and Laurent. It was good to see that Laurent was well and escaped Charous unharmed. I was not happy to see Vallierre. I had rather hoped that he would have been caught by now. Oh well. After a short conversation between William and Vallierre, I was called over. The purpose....Betrayal.

Vallierre had learned of the musketeers death. He knew a little about what happened but not the truth. He immediately accused me. Typical. I denied it and words were exchanged. William, surprisingly, believed me. I would not have been surprised, except for his earlier betrayal of my trust and faith. Even now he continues to perpetuate that. I admitted to knowing who killed the musketeer and why. Vallierre exploded at this response. "You will give me his name!" he said. Insolence! My hand reaches for my blade only to be stopped by William. When we return to Montaigne, you will turn in this Castillian for murder. Who in Legion do they think they are!? Asking me to betray a fellow Castillian. A member of the underground, and they want me to betray him. I think not!

After the meeting with Vallierre and William, the rest of the "fellowship" gathered together to discuss our next course of event. The outcome of which was to some extent agreed upon by everyone. Colesun will enlist help from the local Eisen to get him to Freiburg, while the rest of us, William, Lia, James, Vallierre, Laurent and myself will continue to Ussura. William and Lia for some reason promised Colesun that we would meet up with him later, after we complete our mission. I don't understand why. He's a worm. Avalons. Go figure.

Everyone has gone off on their own now, and I sit in this tavern alone to contemplate my thoughts. My mind stings and my soul aches from this betrayal, so fresh. I expected such from Vallierre, but from William. Fighting the Castillians was one thing. I can even forget that. But this. Never! To ask me to betray someone to whom I owe my life. Unthinkable!

"Vallierre." Once again you prove yourself to be contemptible. You are a leech, sucking the lifeblood from me. Beware, monsieur, for one day William will not be there to protect you. When that day comes, may Theus save your soul because no one will be able to save your life.

"Laurent." Always faithful to your master. I still and will always, respect you sir.

"Lia." Ah lovely Lia. You are still new to our fellowship, but I already like you. You are cultured after all, unlike the others. I shall endeavor to ensure that you do not regret traveling with us.

"James." Yet another Avalon dog. I do not know you yet. I will watch and learn.

"William." You disappoint me. I had so much respect for you. I listened, albeit halfheartedly to all your talk about letting my anger go, and not blaming all the people of Montaigne for the past. You sir are a hypocrite. You say one thing, but then do another. I do not know that I can forgive you for your recent actions.

Journal Entry Twelve

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