Journal Entry Thirteen:

It seems an eternity since my last journal entry. How long it's been, I don't really know. Hours, days, weeks. I have no concept of time anymore. I can't think, I just keep moving on. Pain. The only constant left is this misery. We are in Eisen still. At least I think we are.

Last night there was a battle. So say the others at any rate. I don't remember it. They say I slept through it. Possible.

Gargoyles. The stuff of legend, brought to life by the Eisen forest. James attempted to tell me of the battle, but I didn't hear him. So far, he is a good man. He has been helping me navigate through the woods. Half carrying, half dragging me along. I slow the party I know, but they refuse to leave me.

I gave William the compass, but he gave it back. His reasons that Lady Dominique entrusted me with it and as I am not yet dead, he has no reason to take it. Vallierre wants it I know, but the others will not let him have it.

Cold. I am so cold. We are approaching the mountains of Eisen now. I am bundled in blankets but it makes no difference. The chill cuts to my bone. It is as if I have turned to ice. My heart and soul frozen.

Hot. Despite my complaints of being cold, my skin is hot to the touch. Laurent says I am with fever and has been giving me some tea. He has been helping me when I allow it. Which to say is not very often.

I've been seeing visions of late. Day or night. Awake or asleep. It matters not. Visions of angels and demons. Dreams and nightmares. I see old friends and enemies. Women I've "befriended" and men that I've fought. Violante. Alejandro. Margarete. DuChevalier. Clarisse. The list is endless it seems. I see places I've been and imagine places I want to go or would rather be.

I am dying I think. William and Laurent say no, but I don't believe them. Death would be a welcome release at this point. At least I wouldn't be in so much pain.

Interlude III: Letter to Remy

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