Journal Entry Fourteen:

I am tired. So very tired of running. DuChevalier has chased us from Montaigne to Ussura, and several times he has caught up with us. Every time we have beaten him, but it has not been without cost. The last time, in Eisen, Reynaldo and I were captured and tortured. We escaped, barely, and now we have fought him yet again. This time in Ussura. I barely remember the battle, fatigued and weak as I was. I have been delirious with fever and infection. I have finally beaten that, with Laurent's help. In fact, had it not been for Laurent, I would have died long ago I'm sure. Succumbed to the illness which took my strength and will.

Now I am healthy again. For the first time I think in many months. My wounds and physical scars healed, but I still have many more emotional ones that may never be healed. My nights now are restless and I wake often in cold sweats. When I can sleep I am disturbed by horrid nightmares. They range anywhere from the sight of an Eisen torturer to a dragon. I thought the dragon was a figment of my imagination. Something caused by my wild delusions and hallucinations when I was ill. Lia, however, has told me the story of our trials these few months that I have been "out of it."

We have gained and lost yet another member of our little band. Reynaldo, had, according to Lia, met some Eisen woman, Helen. A huge beast of a woman that led some mercenary band. She took a liking to Reynaldo and traveled with us, only to be killed by the dragon that we mistakenly awakened. Big mistake, but after traveling with this band for so long, I would expect nothing less.

In addition to Helen, we had found another Vodacce. Pietro, is his name. Apparently we picked him up somewhere in the Eisen woodland and he has been with us for some time now. He speaks only Vodacce and so needs Reynaldo or Lia to constantly translate everything for him. I haven't had the chance yet to really observe him, but William says he is good enough with a sword. Reynaldo's tone with him seems light and teasing at times, though I don't know what they say to each other. Occasionally I hear a word that I think means peacock, and Reynaldo makes a slight gesture in my direction, followed by a laugh from Pietro, so I know they talk about me. No matter, I still call him a dog or "perro" in Castillian from time to time. I shall wait and see how this Pietro works out.

Journal Entry Fifteen

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