Journal Entry Sixteen:

Gone! How can she be gone. Confusion. We heard no screams. Why? Why Reynaldo, would Fellhand take Lia. He has it out for you, so why would he take her? There is of course no answer from him. Reynaldo can only shrug and reread the letter left for him by Fellhand. He has Lia, and three of the Eisen women we saved from the Vesten. Rage. Frustration. I continue to let her down.

While licking our wounds and recovering from the fight with the Vesten, Lia had gone off in search of the Eisen villagers that we fought so hard to save. In the heat of battle, three women of the had run into the woods, and with nightfall approaching, Lia would not rest until she found them.

Howling. In the distance we can hear the wolves calling to one another. I used to stay up nights listening to them in Castille while on my grandfathers ranchero. This is a large pack. They're on the hunt. Something is in trouble. William is becoming restless. Not because of the wolves, or not directly at any rate. No, Lia has not returned yet and this is bothering him.

They are closer now. I can hear them calling each other. Sending information back and forth. They have found their prey and are closing in for the kill. I pray that it is not Lia or any of those other helpless women.

We are spreading out now, in groups of twos to search the forest and hopefully get there before the wolves. Shouts. William and Reynaldo, have encountered the wolves. Pietro and I are running to join them. We get there, after stumbling and tripping a couple of times in the dark, only to find that we missed all the action. It seems that between Reynaldo, William and some stranger, most of the pack was killed and the rest driven away.

Another Avalonian, this one a hunter by his dress, and calling himself Jenner. He carries with him one of the famed Avalonian longbows. It is primarily an outdated weapon but still effective in the right hands. Looking around and seeing all the shafts sticking out of so many wolves I can see it is definitely in the right hands.

A short discussion ensues and as we decide to renew our search for Lia, Jenner comes forth and states that he thinks he found their camp site. Leading us back to it, we see it was definitely her site. Not wanting to travel the woods at night, Lia appears to have built a fire for warmth and to possibly keep the wolves away. Smart, but unfortunately for her fire doesn't keep Legion away.

A note. All he left was a note, taunting us, or rather Reynaldo. Fellhand. That cabron, servant of Legion that he is, has taken Lia and the other three women captive. He wants us, or rather, Reynaldo to come and find him. May the Prophets watch over them until we can get there.

Resolving to rescue Lia, we all head back to the ship, strike camp and set out on the trail of Fellhand. I have a very bad feeling about this. Lia needs us, but I can't seem to shake this feeling of dread that I have. Something very bad is about to happen.

Enrique Journal 17

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