Journal Entry Two:

That did not go well. The invitation to dinner came from Laurent’s master, some fop named Vallierre. He called us to dinner, by us I mean myself, of course, and the Vodacce dog, Reynaldo da Ricci, along with his companion the Highmarchman, William McCormick, in order to discuss a letter he had received from the Knights of the Rose and Cross. That strange order that my grandfather belonged to has for some reason shown an interest in some of us. Vallierre, Reynaldo, and myself. Why the McCormick was not included, I don’t understand.

At first I tried in vain to speak only Castillian, but the uncultured dogs didn’t understand a word I said. To make matters worse, the one common language seems to be Montaigne. Everyone present seemed to speak at least two languages, so they are not all uneducated, just uncultured, except for the fop, Vallierre. He speaks only his native tongue. So much for Laurent having a worthy master. This Vallierre is both arrogant and pompous.

Before the "discussion" could get too far out of hand, we were interrupted by the arrival of a lady. And a beautiful lady at that. This woman, Anna, was her name, and she was an angel, at least from all appearances. Some of us however did not seem to share that opinion. Reynaldo became deathly pale at the sight of her. The fear coming off of him was as thick as the stench of death. At first I didn’t understand. Later I realized she was a fate witch. Then it all came together. Vodacce men, it is said, fear their own women. Yet another reason they are dogs.

Anna had come to us on behalf of her lady, who as of yet remains a mystery. The KRC sent her to us. Possibly a test of our "worthiness". She asked that we meet with her lady sometime after midnight. The location, the sewers of Montaigne. As if I didn’t already think the stench of this place was bad enough, now I have to go into the sewers. Damn that fate witch of Allende’s, telling me my destiny lie in Montaigne. If she’d said anything about the sewers, I might never have come. After a continuance of the "discussion", we were all in "agreement" that we would indeed meet with the mysterious lady. Even William, who seemed more eager that the rest of us, agreed.

The dinner ended shortly after Anna left. We all went are separate ways, and I find myself thinking back on the night’s events. Is this really my destiny? Is this what the fate witch was talking about? And are these the "estranged" companions I was to meet? I hope not, but I fear it is so.

"Laurent." The faithful servant of Vallierre. He is a quiet old man. Far more intelligent than the average Montaigne that I have met. Indeed, I even think him more intelligent than his master. That is not entirely to be unexpected. Even in Castille, I have met many Dons who did not deserve the servants they had.

"Vallierre." A typical Montaigne snob. If I did not hate him so much, he would not be worthy of my contempt. Obviously a noble of some sort. His "unwillingness" to provide a full introduction means that he has something to hide. Maybe he is related to the "Butcher of San Juan". I will find out what his secret is, destroy him with it, and then kill him.

"Reynaldo de Ricci." Vodacce dog. He is an impertinent and disrespectful animal. I will watch him like a hawk. His skill with a blade is unquestioned. He is good. Very good. He beat me once, but it will not happen again. We underestimated each other in that duel, but I made more errors. I may one day have to kill him. If and when that day comes, I will be ready.

"William McCormick." He is loud and boisterous. He exudes confidence. Every time I see him I remember the Armada. Of course, it doesn’t help that he take pleasure in reminding me. He hasn’t shown yet that he can use Glamour, and as long as he can’t then I suppose I could learn to trust him. He is the loudest member of this "fellowship" but yet the most mysterious. I know nothing about him. The others attempts to hide things tell me more than his attempt at not hiding anything. I shall have to watch him and be wary. He could be a powerful ally but adversely would make a deadly enemy.

Journal Entry Three

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