Enrique Journal, Entry Twenty

Victory, sweet victory. We sit around drinking and toasting our good fortune and latest victory. This time we evaded and embarrassed the inquisition. Our victory was not without cost however sweet it may have been. Pietro was shot several times, while Lia and Patrice are both still missing. They will turn up. We know the Inquisition didn’t get them. If they had, news would have spread rapidly. Instead the town is talking about the "chase". Oh what story that should evolve into.

Numb. I have finally numbed the pain. As I stare into the bottom of my glass wondering where on Theah my ale disappeared to. I hear shouts and notice my companions have gotten distinctly quiet. I look up and see an Inquisitor standing in the doorway. His black robes and mask flowing ominously in the breeze. Just inside the door are six of the town watch. Presumably to assist the Inquisitor. He turns his head look about. The only feature of his face visible behind the mask are his eyes. Shudder. That gaze, so full of hate. Does he know? Can he be here for me?

I look around at the others. Only William seems his confident self. Jenner looks unsure. He has no doubt heard rumors of the Inquisition, but I find it unlikely he has ever had to deal with them. Lia too looks unsure. Pietro, his nervousness apparent from the slight shaking I notice in his sword hand. He also appears a little eager. Always ready for a fight. Patrice. Well she is deathly pale. Foolish woman, she should not have worn her witch’s costume. What did she expect. That spider’s web veil is a beacon in the night, shouting for all to see, "I’m a witch, come arrest me if you dare." Well, apparently they dare.

The priest speaks. Something about heretics, Legion and cooperating. I’m not really listening, just thinking of our options. Four more guards just entered through the back door. Ten to six. Ok ten to five. We’ve faced worse odds. Surprise! The sword. He wants Reynaldo’s sword. How could he know about Reynaldo’s sword.

Movement. I look over to see Jenner snatch up a candle and spit wine out of his mouth. Trying to spit fire I guess. To bad the candle flickered out before he could spit. It was a good idea though. The guards draw steel. I leap to my feet and attempt to throw the table over. Damn Eisen wood. I succeed in barely pushing it over on one edge. A scream as Williams charges into two Eisen guards. Within moments, two lie unconscious at his feet. They should wake up with splitting headaches.

I hear a crash in the direction of the bar, followed by what can only be Vodacce curses. Apparently Patrice slipped while attempting to climb over the bar. Stupid witch. Jenner is swing a chair at a guard while Pietro has drawn his blade and is fighting another two. Lia smashes her tankard over the head of a fourth, dropping him to the floor. I draw my blade and turn to face those coming from the rear.

A quick thrust and slice and one is tripping over his pants as they slide down, no longer held up by a belt. I turn just in time to parry attacks from two different foes. I hear the sound of multiple thuds, indicating that my companions and dispatched more guards. "Enrique, stop toying with them" shouts a William. I look up to see him finish pounding the another guard to the floor. Parry, thrust, thrust and my combat is done. There is one left, but he quickly sheathes his blade. "Hurry" he says. Reinforcements are on the way.

Lia and I rush upstairs to warn the others and gather our gear while William and Pietro head off to the stables, shouting something about mounts. After shouting a warning to Reynaldo I grab my gear and Williams claymore. Damn that sword is heavy. I have to drag it down the stairs. Hopefully William will be outside and not see me dragging the blade. Yes he’s gone. I don’t want any more broken ribs.

In the street I find William and Pietro fighting more guards. Picking up the blade I throw it with all my strength to William. He quickly ends that fight. Reynaldo rides up with mounts for us all. Riders, the city guard has dispatched cavalry. The chase is on.

Galloping through town we turn down alleys and side streets hoping to lose our pursuers, but not having any luck. Jenner s in the lead, followed by Lia, myself, Pietro and William. The others take up the rear. Without warning Jenner turns his horse into an open warehouse. We all follow suit. Inside is a maze of crates with workers milling about like ants. I shout warnings for them to get out of the way. One of them moves a little too slow as my horse clips him. I look back. He’ll be ok. Behind me is Pietro and William. The others apparently did not follow. Turn, leap, duck. My horse is good, going thru this maze. I can’t make out Jenner but I do see Lia ahead. I hear shouts and curses in Eisen. The owner of the warehouse is frantically yelling at this guards. Some are headed down a set of stairs to the front and left of us. Possibly trying to head us off. Others are arming themselves with muskets and taking aim from the catwalk. This is going to be bad.

Crash! I look back. William is down, and Pietro is nowhere to be seen. Before I can stop, my horse leaps leaps over another stack of crates. William will be ok. He always is. As I corner another stack too high to jump I see an open crate in my bath. Leaning over, I scoop up a bottle of wine as I ride by. Hmmm, Sangre del Torro, 1547. A good year. Red wine always goes good with a chase. As I look up, I go riding past Jenner. He stopped his horse in order to fire his bow.

Madre de Dios, what a shot. From horseback he hits a thin rope holding up an oil chandelier. It drops right on top of the steps, splashing oil and spreading fire. Amazing, he cut the guards off so they can’t get to us from the catwalk.

A scream. I look up just in time to see Lia’s horse sit, and slide along the wood floor, while she goes flying thru the air and smashes into a high stack of crates. Knowing my own horse’s momentum is much to high to stop I spur it on faster in an attempt to leap over the spot Lia hit.

Yes the height is good, now if I can just reach her, damn, I miss Lia’s outstretched hand. As I feel the horse start yet another leap I turn to look forward just in time to. Smack. Crash. Thud.

Ow, that hurt. I pick myself up off the floor, stagger a little as my head screams in pain. Check my nose. At least it’s not broken. When my head clears I can see a shattered window. That explains the crash. My horse must have leapt thru it. Now what, oh a low rafter. That damn Eisen horse leapt thru a window with a low rafter in front of it. Since I landed on my stomach I gather I did a full flip. Anger. Stepping through the window I look around. There is Lia, holding the reins of my horse. Storming over, I pull my fist back. Lia screams, and ducks away as I punch the horse. The dumb beast staggers, looks at me through glazed eyes for a moment before falling over. Dead.

"Shit" is all I can think of to say. When I look up, Lia’s gone and Jenner is emerging from the warehouse. He slows down long enough to help me up behind him. We go riding off down an alleyway. A sweet smell. Looking around I see an apple pie cooling on a vendor’s table. As we ride by I lean over and scoop it up. Now I have wine and a pie. Oh what a chase. As we round the corner onto the main street we have to slow to a trot. The crowd is thick as it gathers in front of the warehouse. Guards are pouring in and out, presumably to look for us. Slowly, don’t attract attention. There is the Inquisitor, preaching to the crowd. At least I thinks it’s him. Surprise, he removes his hood. He must hold a strong sway over the crowd here to be so bold.

What’s this? I can only smile as a malicious thought enters my head. The priests horse. Yes it has to be. I have Jenner start making his way in that direction. The inquisitor is too occupied to notice us. As we go by I untie the horse and pull it along behind us. All is well.

Thief! Stop Thief! Some fool is shouting at us. Suddenly the Inquisitor whirls around. His eyes widen as recognizes us from the inn. Infidels he screams. Seize the heretics. I quickly leap to the other horse and Jenner and I begin to ride through the crowd. They part quickly.

Damn them. They are shooting at us. Crash! My wine. They shot my wine. That was a good vintage you Eisen ape I shout. He doesn’t understand. The barbarian doesn’t speak Castillian. Well at least I still have my pie. Hmm. It’s far, but I could do it. I giggle like a schoolboy as the thought comes into my head. Stopping my horse, or rather the Inquisitor’s horse, I turn and throw.

Stay on target. The Inquisitor is shouting about infidels and heretics. Stay on target. He’s pointing at me and screaming for them to seize me. Stay on target. I see his eyes widen in realization. Stay on target. He starts to move, but too late. Smack. Right in the face. I hear a most unholy scream issued for such a holy man. Thinking back. That pie was hot. Note to self. Don’t let someone hit you in face with hot pie. Might burn and or scar my dashing face.

As I rejoin Jenner, I can hear the crowd's laughter from blocks away. It is approaching dusk. Jenner and I find a small inn on the rough side of town. Rumor has it the watch doesn’t visit this area after dark. Should be a good place to hide out. Throughout the night, the others straggle in, in ones and twos.

Good Pietro. He is tough, and a little drunk. Of course we are all a little drunk. The doctor Jenner fetched has finished with his surgery. It looks as if he undid some of the damage Jenner and I caused while attempting to operate on Pietro ourselves. Well, we’re not doctors.

Today was a good day. I had fun. I will remember this chase for a long time.

Enrique Journal 21

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