Enrique Journal, Entry Twenty-five:

This is just a filler story to put us in Carleon. I missed the session journeying there so I had to fake the "funk".

Journal Entry Twenty-five:

Carleon. I stare at the city looming before me with a mixture of eager anticipation and nervousness. Just a few short years ago the upstart navy, if you could call it that, of Queen Elaine sunk our most glorious Castillian Armada. We were once the premier power on the seas. The keyword of course being were, as in past. Now our navy, powerful still, has I'm afraid dwindled to such a state that it can barely hold back the Montaigne, and it's losing ground every day. Ah que sera sera.

William has been talking nonstop about his homeland for the past few weeks since we left Heilgrunds. Shame! I wonder how long, if ever, I'll be rid of the shameful feeling of helplessness. Reynaldo, amigo, you still haunt my dreams. If only I'd been faster with my rapier, less concerned about my own well being and just rushed head long through those morons that Fellhand placed before me, I know I could have caught your arm. And you would be alive. Wishful thinking!?

"...........drink..........", William's talking again. I'm sure telling me how I'm going to like this place. I don't really hear. In fact, I haven't for since your death Reynaldo. Wait, did he mention drink. Yes I could use one certainly. It's been what oh 2 hours since my last drink, I'm starting to come out of my stupor, and I wouldn't want that. I find it amusing how life's little twists affect people so differently. Before, I never used to drink alone, or at least not to excess. Since your death amigo, I can't remember being sober. Oh what a sight I must make.

Our trip to Avalon is a misty haze. I remember, vaguely, boarding a sea dog ship, but apart from that I remember nothing else. Well nothing except for the biting "lecture" I received from William the other day. Seems we were attacked by Vesten pirates and I was passed out drunk. Slept through the whole battle. Even missed seeing this new senorita, Sabine, in combat. She's another Vodacce like you amigo. Finally, just when I thought I'd get some peace from the Vodacce, along comes another one. Whatever is a peacock to do eh Reynaldo. I tell you amigo, since you died, William has been a lot less fun. He is more serious and taciturn. I listened to the stories of the fight with the Vesten and while still amazing in combat, he was more......oh....cautious I think. I didn't witness it, so I can't say for sure. In any case, his disapproval of my new drinking habit is apparent, and so he is less fun. Doesn't join me nearly as often as I would like. Something about having to help sail the ship. Oh please, as if we've never been drunk and had to sail, run, ride or fight before. Hah, sourpuss.

Well, amigo, it's almost midday and we've checked into some inn, the "Fey Queen's Rest" or some such. Nice place and the inn keeper Miriam is nice enough. Certainly different than any others I've ever met. Of course she's also easy on the eyes, so that says a lot. Well, I'd planned to be passed out by now so I have some serious drinking to do.

Journal Entry 26

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