Journal Entry Nine:

Rage! Betrayal! William, Reynaldo, the whole legion damned crew of the Sea Shoal, or is it Mist Wind, now. Damn them all for their betrayal. Prophet forbid that we kill any Montaigne musketeers. That demon DuChevalier only chased us all over Montaigne and did his best to kill or capture us, but would my "companions" allow me to fight back. No! We ran, and we ran and we ran. Like beaten mongrels with our tails tucked between our legs. I thought those "narrow escapes" were victories. But with this recent betrayal, I wonder.

Sailing upriver, we encountered a lone Castillian escort ship. How the captain managed to get his ship this far upriver is a wonder. I guess we'll never know. He and his entire ships complement were killed in the short, battle which ensued. The Castillians wanted to board the Sea Shoal, but the captain had other plans and decided to run. They were faster and started to close. That is when the battle began.

Every one of this ships crew, including, William and Reynaldo seemed eager to fight. Kill the Castillians! Sink their ship! They asked me to fight, I refused, of course. As a result, I spent the battle below decks, in the cargo hold with this pompous fool of a scholar. Some man from Avalon, name Colesun I believe. In any case the battle was quickly over. The Castillians never got close enough to board. The Sea Shoal took minor damage, and the captain put into a hidden lagoon in Occupied Castille to fit repairs. They also changed the name of the ship to the Mist Wind.

When the cannon fire ceased and I heard the exultant cheers of the crew I went above decks to confirm what I already knew. They had sunk the Castillian ship. I saw no survivors in the water, although, I must admit that I was so enraged that it is possible I overlooked them. How many Montaigne soldiers have died since our flight from Charous. One. How many Castillians. Upwards of fifty at a guess. Anger! I think, that I do not like my "companions" any longer.

During the night, while repairs were being made, I slipped away from the ship. Castille. I love my country. This part of the river is currently occupied, but that will change one day. We shall be free again. I can only hope and pray to Theus that I am there to see that day. I walked to the nearest town. I longed to see some of my countrymen again. To be around Castillians. I was disappointed.

The village was all but abandoned. Many of the residents had probably long since fled. Walking by houses, I hear families talking in Montaigne. Damn this war. Damn the Montaigne. Damn them all to the Abyss. They are colonizing my country. Their soldiers murder, rape and pillage our towns and cities. Then they bring in their own people to live in our houses. Damn them all. Rage! I feel myself losing control.

An outpost. It seems a squad of soldiers has set up a garrison here. This will be fun. I snuck around back of the building. Looking thru the window. The pigs are preoccupied. Gambling or some such. While thinking about what I wanted to do, I was surprised by a sentry. He had been in the stable to my rear. Charging him, I catch him off guard and dispatched him fairly quickly, with minimal noise. Heading into the stable, I find several oil lanterns. Fire. Perfect. Tying the horses together and saddling one, I toss one of the lanterns into hay. The next I threw onto the roof of the garrison as I rode past with their horses. My actions are a minor inconvenience only, but provide me with some satisfaction.

Today was a bad day. My actions in Castille helped to appease my anger, but I am still enraged over the betrayal of my "companions." I can not believe they were so eager to fight. I will be a long time getting over this.

Journal Entry Ten

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