The Figure

The figure stepped through the archway and into the dark damp room. Though this portal was surely guarded, he had found that in his experience, guards usually stayed outside a locked door that led to a portal rather than standing in the room itself. After all you never knew exactly what might come through such a doorway…

Unfortunately for the guards on duty, this prudence wouldn't help them in the least.

Gathering the folds of his long robes in both hands, the figure crossed the room to the heavy ironbound door. Finding the door locked from the outside as expected, he knocked twice; two loud, demanding raps.

There were noises on the other side as two chairs slammed down simultaneously. Undoubtedly the guards were sleeping through their watch he mused. This is one of the reasons he picked this particular, little used, portal. No one had come through unexpectedly for so long that the security was lax.

A small door set at eye level in the larger door slid to one side and the wary, sleepy eyes of the guard peered through suspiciously. The guard's voice quivered a bit as he "demanded" to know who it was that wished entry.

The figure stepped back from the door so that the guard could get a better look at him. The guard's eyes widened in surprise and his look of fear increased.

Hurriedly, the guard apologized to the cardinal and unlocked the door.

As soon as the cardinal heard the door unlatch, he pushed it open forcefully and quickly in spite of its obvious weigh. Both the guards bowed to him and backed away, one to each side of the hallway.

The cardinal smiled and presented his ring to be kissed. Each man did so in turn and then quickly stood up as he asked. He told them that he had some bags that needed attending to and then followed them into the portal room.

At their questioning look, he explained that the bags hadn't been sent through yet and they had only to wait. Once their full attention was on the portal in expectation of the errant luggage he simultaneously gave each one a forceful shove into the open portal.

He smiled as their shrieks of terror reached him from beyond the endless gulfs. Apparently they were never told the secret of Porte' travel: always keep you eyes closed. They would come out the other side as raving madmen, forever tortured by the things they had seen. Unable to tell anyone what happened.

Apparently just two foolish guards who were overly curious about that which they guarded…

Closing the portal cut off the screams of the terrified men. The figure turned and, once more gathering his robes left the room and mounted the stairs at the end of the short hall. If his intelligence was correct (and his informant better pray it was), the warehouse above should be lightly guarded at this time of the day. He normally would not care if it was heavily guarded or not for he was very confident in his abilities and quite enjoyed bloodshed. But he had business to attend to and couldn't afford the time to indulge in simple pleasures. Besides, he would be able to shed the blood of his enemies very soon.

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