Fellhand in Carleon Pt 2

Sabene was hidden in the galley pantry in a false wall the cook (and erstwhile smuggler) had previously had built (with a good degree of foresight). Reynaldo was on deck rousing the crew and getting them prepared to fight in case Fellhand showed up.

Fellhand had earlier met Sabene and Reynaldo in a Vaticine chapel. There, he killed a priest with Sabene's sword and, dressed as a Cardinal or Bishop himself, began calling "Murder" to the town guard. Sabene and Reynaldo fled the scene.

William McCormick established order and then left with Jenner, Lia, and Volker to try to find Enrique. Enrique had left previously with several crewmembers to pick up a secret cargo from the Castillian embassy.

The night was very foggy and, after picking up the cargo which turned out to be 3 very heavy boxes, Enrique and his party began to make their slow way back to the ship. William and the others met Enrique and the sailors on a narrow fog-drenched road so suddenly that they almost came to blows before finding out who it was.

Just as they met, there was a cry from David, one of the sailors at the back of the cart. He had noticed that the rearguard was missing and had gone back to fine him. When the party ran back to check on him after hearing his cry they found his body, head twisted off and missing, on the slick cobblestones. There was no sign of the rearguard, a sailor named John.

As they made their way back to the cart with the body, Lia cried out in horror! Jenner, their friend, was hanging from a two-story window upside down and disemboweled! They cut him down and placed him in the cart as well.

Hurrying to get back to the ship, Enrique (who was in front) noticed that John, the missing sailor, was leaning against a wall up ahead, apparently gravely wounded. As Enrique approached to help, John produced a hidden knife and stabbed Enrique in the stomach!

Just then, a fear-filled cry sounded from near the cart as the dead bodies of Jenner and David began to stir! One of the sailors, Charley, fled from the scene screaming as Tom, one of the remaining sailors dropped his weapons and stood frozen in horror.

The group fought the zombies, scoring many hits and wounds that seemed to have no effect. As the group was beginning to tire, Fellhand's voice rang out from the top of a building nearby.

As he spoke, "Enough!" the zombies dropped to the ground "lifeless".

"Tell Reynaldo that the Council of Thirteen will welcome him into its number. I am sure you will all enjoy the change that will come about in Reynaldo after tomorrow night. See you all on the other side!"

With that, silence returned to the night. Gathering Jenner's body, the group hastened to the ship. Enrique was injured and in need of a doctor.

After spending a sleepless night preparing the ship for departure, the group made their last preparations to leave harbor. Paying off the harbor fees and hiring a doctor, they took on their esteemed passengers and set off for San Augustin, Castille.

Continued in "Onward to San Augustin"

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