Bjorgsen Fellhand answers the Villain's 20 questions:

  1. What is more effective: brute force or psychological torture? Psychological torture
  2. Whom do you trust? The rest of The Council of Thirteen as much as I can trust anyone (which isn't much).
  3. How do you organize your plans? In my head mostly.
  4. What is your current objective? To corrupt Reynaldo DeRicci and cause his family to fall by his own actions.
  5. What is your ultimate objective? To gain enough power and influence to cause the church to kneel before Legion.
  6. What will you not do to obtain what you want? I will not risk my well being to gain these goals.
  7. What is more important: to be loved or feared? Feared
  8. Who are your victims of choice? Reynaldo and his friends and family.
  9. Does your family/spouse know what you are doing? My family is long dead and I never married, though my ex-fiancé still lives.
  10. Who gets to see you with your guard down? No one
  11. How do you feel about the Church and other social institutions? The Church must make way for the new church. Society at large must be none the wiser.
  12. What is your relationship with the Secret Societies? I try to stay out of their dealings unless they can further my ends.
  13. What is your favorite food and drink? Steak and red-wine.
  14. Blondes, brunettes, or redheads? Blondes, of course.
  15. What do you know about the Syrneth? Enough to know only to deal with their artifacts when absolutely necessary.
  16. Money or influence? Money gains influence.
  17. Satin shirts or cotton pants? Satin shirts, of course.
  18. When did you know you were a Villain? About 420 years ago while still a young man.
  19. What kind of Hero do you admire? What kind do you despise? I admire Heroes that die well. The brave ones that stand up to me regardless of how futile this is. I despise the 'Heroes' who won't risk everything to defeat me. I hold them in very little regard.
  20. How will you die? I don't believe that I shall. I hold the secret to immortality. However, some meddling Hero will probably come along and mess up my plans. I will die violently if at all.

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