Laurent letter from Montaigne to Carleon

My dearest friends and traveling companions,

I write you this letter in hopes that it finds you all safe and sound (and rested!). I have placed this letter in the hands of my youngest son, Jackie, who has taken on the mantle of personal manservant to my worthy master.

One of the reasons I bother you with my trivial concerns while you deal with loftier matters is that I wish to ask a boon of all of you. I ask that you all look after my good Jackie and see he is safe and well taken care of. Though he is a man of 19 years, he has seen little of the world so has a certain degree of childlike innocence and ignorance. Please do not mistake this ignorance for stupidity as he actually has a decently capable mind. When convenient, please teach him what you can of the world and its many delights and pitfalls.

While I am still deeply grieved that I cannot fulfill my responsibilities to my gracious master, as I should, I am happy that my son will be able to accompany and serve such worthy personages as yourselves. I am sure he shall learn much of the world, both good and bad, by the time he once again steps foot on Montaigne soil.

Remember that he is my son and that I love him. He will not always do the right thing, but with proper guidance he should fare well. He has much hidden strength and it was with the hope that these would come to light with more frequency that I sent him to attend my master.

I am well. In fact, I feel better now than I have in many weeks. I may have been hasty and somewhat mistaken when I made the judgement that I have a grave illness. I think it no more than a lingering cough and that I will soon be put to rights. My Mattie's soup and kind attention has done wonders for me. I should be able to be up and around and attending to matters in the main house in no time at all.

I must close this missive if I am to send it with Jackie. Please take care of my master, my son, and yourselves. May Theus protect you and bring you all home safely.

Your faithful Servant,

Written in the hand of his faithful wife Mattie, on this day; the *th of *, in the year of our Prophets, 1668.

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