A Letter to Father,
From Jacque, servant of Valliere

Dearest Father,

I don't take to my letters as well as you though I assure you that it isn't because I didn't receive the finest education that my station allows thanks to you efforts and the kind attention of our mutual master Valliere who I serve now in foreign lands.

How are you dearest da? Are you still sick with the breathing problem you had when I left? How is mother? I am sure she is taking good care of you and having a hard time keeping you in bed if you are still sick.

Do things in the main house still go as poorly as they did when I was there? I know that if you have any influence (and I am sure you do) our master's interests will be better protected with you at home than they were while you were absent.

Many strange and wondrous (and scary) things have happened since I was told to keep my eyes tightly shut and stepped through the 'portal' that brought me to Avalon. If it wasn't for the reassurances of our master, I would fear for my soul for stepping through that mystical door as I feel that such things can only stem from dark forces that shouldn't never be named and I will not name them here! I have met great ladies and gentlemen, been involved in plots and intrigues fit for a musketeer in Charouse and been scared out of my wits on more than one occasion.

I don't know if I am doing a good job for our master and his companions but they all do treat me nicely and seem to put up with my incompetence. I do hear them speak of you often. On more than one occasion they have expressed an interest in your health and well being and have wished that you would return to the company. They don't say this to point out my incompetence or to belittle me. They do really miss you. They are a varied lot but in spite of their differences, they all agree on one thing: they all miss you and wish you the very best. As do I.

I hope that I can do you a good service and make you proud by somehow improving my service to our master and the others. I will continue to strive to overcome my failings as a servant and vow to protect the interests of my master and my new companions with my life if need be.

Oh, I didn't tell you that soon we will be sailing to the "Thelusion Islands" or something like that. I don't know why; we just are. I guess the group wants to see the islands and the natives and such that I heard tale live in such places. I would rather head back to

Montaigne myself, though this "Fey Queen's Rest" run by Miss Miriam is a nice place. As big as a palace and as well run a house I never did see. The odd thing is that I have looked and looked and never once seen hide nor hair of a servant. A place this size should have an army of them in and out of every room at all hours but I haven't seen one yet!

Give all my love to ma and yourself. May Theus keep you safe and heal your illness. I pray for our safe return to civilized lands. I write this on the _th day of ****, 1668.

Jackie, Son of Laurent,

Manservant of the worthy and noble "Valliere"

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