Laurent Healed!

Laurent suddenly drew a deep breath and then let it out very, very slowly; his eyes fluttering and then laying still. Jacque jumped to his feet from the stool beside the bed and cried to is mother, "Mother! I think it is time! Come quickly!" He then grasped his father's hand in his and stroked his forehead as well. "Father, do not leave us yet. You must continue to fight..."

Laurent's wife Mattie ran into the room looking frightened. She sat on the bed as well and began to cry as she grasped Laurent's other hand. "Do not leave me, mi amor! What will I ever do without you?" She began to weep as Laurent failed to answer. He was deathly still; his chest no longer rose and fell and his features had become quite calm...

Weeping, Jacque stood and closed the shutters. He felt he would never be happy again now that his precious Da was gone.

Suddenly there was a quick and loud intake of breathe and Laurent opened his eyes! His Mattie was so shocked that she lept up and gave a small cry. Laurent sat up then for the first time in many weeks and looked about him, a look of wonder and joy on his face. "I feel wonderful! I feel as though I have never been sick!" Seeing the look of shock on their faces he held both hands out, one to his dear wife and one to his dear son "Come to me, my family. I am healed!"

Not believing their eyes, they both ran to him, took his hands and began to smother them with kisses. Soon they were all laughing; not with mirth assuredly, but with relief. Pure and simple and joyous relief after months and weeks of tension and despair...

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