Lia's Journal Entry 4

From the Personal Journal of Lia Danuu O' Bran

I've made more progress today. Traveled at least ten miles. It would have been more, but the wounds that I had received have become infected. I was lucky enough to spot some herbs that a sailor friend once told me were good for sucking out poisons from wounds. I also found a willow tree and scraped some of the inner bark to make a tea to help with my fever. I've been blessed as I've discovered a nice niche in the side of a hill. No animals have been here in ages. I was also able to forage enough food for a simple meal, but I'm so tired.

I guess I should explain exactly how I find myself in this predicament. If nothing else, it will serve as a warning to whoever finds my bones.

After the harrowing evening of riddles, my, and Reynaldo's and James', apprehension as we traveled the woods was understandable. We were only another day to our destination, but as it was getting dark, we could not travel any further that day. We found a nice clearing to make camp. In the hopes that I could appease any of the spirits in these woods, I returned the engraved box that I had received. I placed it in the hollow of a tree with all the prayers and minor rituals I knew.

The others were setting up camp as I finished up. I went to help out with the fire when it happened.

Without any warning, the shadows up in the trees detached themselves from the branches and fell upon us. A creature with bat-like wings grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted off with me. I quickly lost sight of the others as the creature flew with me to the top of the tree line. Once there, it flung me forward, simultaneously letting me go. I tried to grab hold of the creature, but my desperate grab missed. I swear, my shriek could have been heard all the way to Inishmore. For a moment, I was completely weightless; my momentum had me practically flying forward before gravity took hold once more. I plummeted downwards, through the trees, feeling each and every branch I fell past. With a jarring crash, I landed upon a tree branch, a good sixty feet above the ground. I stared, dazed, at the earth below me. A sudden shift in the wind alerted me to my present danger. The gargoyle, for now I could see my attacker, flew about for another try at me. I was able to dodge the first blow. But the second strike had me once more in its grasp. It pulled me off my branch.

I feared I would be flung to my death, when one of the creatures gave a warbling cry. At once, the gargoyle holding me flew off after its retreating flock. (Flock? Family? Drove? Pack? What do you call a group of gargoyles?) I managed to grasp hold of my sword and stabbed upwards twice. I know I made contact, but I did little damage. The gargoyle gained altitude and I feared harming it again, least it dropped me. From that height, I would definitely die. Numbed, shocked, and in pain, I watched as the landscape rushed past me.

My journey took me up a riverbank, the one that I believe my group would have had to reach in order to get to Ussura. The gargoyle flew with me over a gorge and into some foothills. We headed for a large rocky outcropping where I was dumped unceremoniously. The ledge I rested on was forty feet above ground, at the top of a vertical cliff face. The river looked so far down.

Several of the gargoyles went into crevices in the rock. I think their young were down there. A few others stayed up on the ledge, surrounding me and screaming in my face. They didn't hurt me, just kept me from making any moves that could have been deemed dangerous. I couldn't get into my pouch without one of them knocking me over. I guess that too many of their "guests" had damaged them with something they had pulled out of their pouches.

At one point, two of the gargoyles have a fight over me, each trying to drag me into their lair, probably for their young. While they were occupied with each other, I eyed the edge of the ledge, gathered my courage, and made a running leap for the river. The gargoyles tried to stop me, but I was faster. As I fell, I sensed rather than saw the two try to catch me in mid-air, but I landed in water before they could snatch me.

The river wasn't very deep, and I know I did some kind of injury to myself in that fall. But I was too busy trying to stay afloat and get away from the outcropping to worry too much about my injuries. It seemed the river wanted to keep me for herself, just as much as the gargoyles had. Every time I tried to get to shore, the current would drag me under. I was going to drown! (Ironic, since I had finally learned how to swim.) With one last effort, before I completely blacked out, I made it to shore. 

Now I travel southwest, following the river, hoping to Theus and all the Prophets that I am heading in the direction of the lake. With luck, the others will be waiting when I get there. I just hope that my strength lasts out. The way I feel now, a kitten could probably take me out.

I think I'll just lie here for a while…

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