
Letters to Amy, Letter 9

Dear Amy,

We have been back about a week now, The ship has been under repairs and

I've just finished working on a project of mine. I decided that if I were to be the cook that I could use some of the room in the pantry to make a hideaway. I shortened the shelves by thirty-six inches and added a false wall. When I stack the potatoes and other dry goods in front of it you can't even tell that its there. It's like I have a new toy; I can't wait to use it.

We also have taken this week to gather enough new crewmen to fill our billets, and I think the new crew will work out fine. At least the crew won't be over worked due to a shortage of men. Well, that's enough about that.

Anyway I'd like to tell you about this afternoon, it's a hoot. We all set out on a bunch of errands, in about a dozen different directions or so. William went to talk to some lord at the palace, in hopes of getting a charter or letter of some sort from him. Enrique went to the Castillian Embassy for much the same reason. I went to the port master to discuss the fees of repairs and docking tariffs. And the rest went to do their own little things.

I believe that both the Vodacce went to find themselves a church or something, I'm not quite sure about why. Anyway it turns out that both the Avalons and the Castillians wished to give us a letter of marquee. The things is, is that both of them believe the ship to be loyal to their flag, and are sending someone over tomorrow to finalize the deal. One of the parties is to be there at 7:00 p.m. and the other at 8:00 p.m. And that's only the half of it.

While the rest of the group was out, a representative from the explorer society came by and wished to speak to the captain. Well, William and Enrique were out so I gave him an invite to dine at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow. He wanted to discuss a matter of great importance or something of that sort. I did not know at the time of the other two invitations. Well, you can see the joke in that, three separate parties and three separate meals. I tell you Lil' Jim and I are going to be cooking up a storm tomorrow. I don't know but if you ask me it sounds like its going to be a grand mess.

Volker, while we were out, went and recruited a few boys to be marines. They all seem a bit out o' wake, to tell you the truth they seem to be a little dense or something. They're all brothers or cousins, and that only can spell trouble. Volker didn't want to say where he drug them up from and I decided it was not worth the headache to pursue the matter. In time we shall see if Volker's judgment of them is sound.

Time? Speaking of time it has been a month now that we have been apart, and I have felt the loss everyday. I wake up most nights from a dream of you that is so real it takes me a minute to realize where I am. I can feel the warmth of your body and smell the scent of your hair. It's as if you were just lying beside me. At those times I lay in my hammock and think of the times we shared. I still believe that in the end we shall be reunited as the Sidhe promised me. Until then I shall keep writing to you.

Forever yours,


Letters to Amy, Letter 10

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