Pierto's Journal, Entry Two

Damn this broken, backward country! I almost prefer the wrath of the

Ussuran's Matuchka! These Eisen brutes are all oversized heathens! Their enormous blades make me sick. No style to their fighting; just brute force. Though I think it is almost more dangerous with my comrades. I have stared death in his menacing face before, but not with the frequency I do now. Indeed I have apparently met him now! Damn that fate witch! I have never trusted them. If I didn't know better I would say that they are of legion its self. And this Patrice is young and foolish. How she made it this far is beyond my comprehension.

Now I feel I should explain my distress. We traveled near across Theah to find a Montaigne General by the name of Montegue. Apparently the group was on a mission to deliver some vital message. And head this warning never travel Ussura unless you are invited! Lucky for us we met some friendly Ussurans who granted us some sort of blessing that shielded us from Matuchka's rage. Once we finally the reached the general are preparing to give him this message a Montaigne, Captain du Chevalier, appears through Porte magic with what must have been a squad of Musketeers! I still do not know what this message was but this man did not want it delivered on cost of our lives. Needless to say a fight, the likes of which I have never even heard, ensued. Nature itself seemed to take sides. Thank Theus it was our side she rallied to! We took advantage of this fortunate happening and brought as many of the musketeers down as we could. Of course we did receive some punishment from the well-trained musketeers. I personally took a pistol shot to the chest, but thankfully it, by some miracle, did not penetrate, though it hurt like legion. I still wonder how that occurred. Captain du Chevalier realized his disadvantage and departed. The next morning General Montegue turned his entire force around and started the journey out of Ussura. We followed suit.

We found our way to some port city where William made friends with some Vestenmanjenhammer. The next morning found us rowing out to sea in their long boat. Now I have to admit I rather liked these men. They were free and nothing stood between them and what they wanted. Indeed they took what they wanted. But I did get a bit more than what even I had bargained for on this trip. We landed at a small Eisen village to "procure" provisions for the next leg of our journey. Of course it was a raid.

The others seemed surprised at this. What did they expect? That these men would buy the provisions they needed? These are a people known for being raiders, and rather ruthless ones at that! Though I must say that it was a bit unsettling when they started herding the women on board the ship. I personally believe that if you can't get them in bed with your charm they are most likely too much trouble anyhow. After the raid, the Vesten journeyed a short distance until it was near nightfall. Once they had rowed the long ship near the shore and began to set up camp, they made it plain exactly what they intended with the unfortunate women.

William being the chivalrous man he is would have none of this. Thus, we engaged the Vesten in the grandest battle I have ever taken part of or even witnessed! It made all the other skirmishes I've been in seem like schoolyard scuffles! These Vesten are true warriors. Of course we had to fight them down to the last. Amazingly enough we only sustained one loss to our number, the sailor named James, whom died bravely and took more than one of them with him.

Then we turned back into Eisen. By Theus this nation is of legion I swear! From what I've been told we are looking for some bookworm who has knowledge of Syrneth artifacts. The only good I see of coming back through Eisen is the possibility of running into Salvador. That bastard must still be here this chaotic country suits his treacherous hide! I pray to the prophets that I will soon see his ugly face so that I may run my blade straight through his black heart!

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