Reynaldo Journal, Entry Four

I have experienced events that have led me to believe that I am surely damned or at the very least cursed. I thank Theus that I am alive but with each passing day I have to question whether that is a good thing or not. Obviously someone wants me to live because I have been given so many chances as to strip the lives off a dozen cats!

But enough of my childish crying over my fate I must explain to you what I am talking about or you will just assume I have gone mad. I will warn you however that you may still think me mad once you hear what has befallen my compatriots and myself!

After we got our ship re-outfitted and seaworthy again we began making our way East to Ussura. The rolling of the ship was hypnotic and I was enjoying watching our heroine from Manche' go about her duties. Lia is a lovely young lady, very lithe and nimble. I have no doubts that she caught my overly obvious stares a few times but she has not let on as of yet. I wished not to bother her while she was attending her duties so instead I went to find William and plagued him with useless questions about how to become a decent sailor. After all you can't impress a lovely lady when you are having trouble not falling on your face on deck!

We were just entering a large lake when I spotted William up in the rigging. I tried to shout to him, but a nervous looking crewman shushed me. When I asked him what was wrong he said that I didn't want to attract the attention of the beast! The boson clapped the man upside the head mumbling about scaring the passengers with old wives tales, but I could hear other crewmen mumbling; several were crossing themselves. I looked up at William again but his eyes were locked on something off to starboard.

"Captain there is something in the water I think." William shouted down. The men around me began to openly mention the beast and that we should make for shore! "Avast, you're crying like a bunch of babies!" the captain hollered. Then he turned to the first mate and said something under his breath but I distinctly heard the term 'tack and make for shore'.

By this time we were well into the lake and shore was a fair way off. The ship was just beginning to make its turn when something struck us hard from below! Men began screaming and running around on deck like gaggle of hens! I ran to the rail to peer into the water to see what we had hit but all I could make out was a huge serpentine shadow moving beneath the surface of the water. We lurched again, as we were struck hard from the opposite side this time!

"We are taking on water captain!" a voice cried out from below. "Blast we wont survive more hits like that!" The captain rasped as he turned his eyes on the crew. "Prepare a launch! We have to lead the beast away from the ship! I need volunteers, who's with me?"

My hand shot up. A real sea monster! I could not believe it! As I looked around I saw that William and Lia's hands were up as well. Finally the Castillian raised his with a defeated sigh. "Are you gentleman sure? This is not your fight now, you are passengers!" The captain's voice held respect. I stooped and picked up two rifles as my answer.

The boat was raised over the rail and we all climbed aboard. We were handed several other rifles and a number of harpoons. Just as we were being lowered into the water we were struck again and harder than ever before. The launch swung out and smashed back against the ship and I heard a scream. When I was on my feet again I saw that Lia was gone! The captain ordered the ropes cut and we fell the rest of the way to the water.

At the water line I could see a huge hole in the side of the ship, just barely above the water line. We here almost to shore but it didn't look as if the ship would make it. Lia was nowhere to be seen as we all looked about frantically. The captain set two men on the oars and we began pulling away from the ship when Lia broke the surface for just a moment not more than a few feet from a huge shape that passed by her. She grabbed a floating crate but she didn't look as if she would be able to hang on long.

The Castillian leapt into the water, swimming for her for all he was worth! When he reached her they both went under again. I was throwing out a line for them when I saw the shape making for them. Several of us fired shots at it and apparently at least a few hit their mark because the beast turned it's course and came straight for us! My rifle spent, I went to pistols and as the creature rushed our tiny craft I let fire! I saw my shots hit but the thing never even slowed. Someone cast a harpoon as well but it just hung in the thing's flesh.

As the thing charged I thought I saw William leap on its back with a harpoon but he was gone too quickly. The last thing I can honestly remember as the huge head rose up and those jaws opened was that if there was any place to hurt this thing it was from inside. Then I crossed myself, drew my blades and leapt...

I don't know how much time passed but I awoke to more pain than any man should ever be forced to endure. My skin burned as if it were on fire, I could scarcely walk and I could feel the bones in my right hand shifting very unnaturally. I was lying in a pile of offal and body parts in some huge subterranean cave. Not more than 5-10 feet away was the huge beast of the lake sleeping soundly. Bones and half-rotted carcasses littered the floor in all directions around me and in the far corner was a pool through which I could see a dim light.

I didn't bother to even attempt to question my luck, I just made my way as quietly as possible to the pool and slipped in. I burst to the surface not more than a few feet from shore and dragged myself up the beach and into the wood. I collapsed again into sweet blackness to escape the pain. When I woke I was severely disoriented. I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. I did not even notice that I was now covered with a blanket. I also did not question where the small pouch containing a water-flask and some bread and cheese came from. I just ate it in a daze as I tried to remember what happened. When it came back it was a rush of pictures and feelings. The main one was terror. I almost lost the small meal I had just eaten when the memory of that huge maw came back.

I got down on my knees and thanked Theus on the spot for my life. Then I realized that I was nude except for the blanket. Apparently the acids in the creature's stomach had destroyed my clothes. After I had tied the blanket around me, I picked up the pouch and examined it. It was a simple cloth sack with no markings or initials. I didn't know who my benefactor was but I owed them my life at the very least.

I made my way down to shore and found the remains of our ship. Apparently they had made it to the shallows. I also found the remains of another ship that apparently had some kind of accident in the powder room. It was burnt clean down to the water line. Perhaps they had come to aid us and been attacked by the Beast as well? I waded out to our ship and rummaged around until I found enough clothing to make decent, if not stylish, attire. I also found a useable sword and 2 pistols but no shot or powder. Well, with a blade on my hip I felt better off.

I also scrounged some hard tack and tucked that into my sack along with my two pistols. After I made my way off the boat I caught my reflection in the water. I don't know what happened to me while in the gullet of the beast but it had wrought incredible changes! My hair, normally black, was stark white! Almost without pigmentation at all! My eyebrows, my whiskers, all of it were the same. I almost didn't recognize my own face. My nose was definitely broken and one eye was swollen almost shut. Needless to say I sat and stared at my shattered appearance for some time. Then I sighed and heaved myself out of the water and began my journey.

I began walking along the shore in the general direction of the town we had spotted before entering the lake, hoping to find my companions, or in the very least, some survivors from either unfortunate ship. I felt apprehensive the entire time I walked, as if someone were watching me for some reason. I never saw another soul as we walked however so I decided it was just because I was tired and hungry and tried my best to ignore it. After a few hours I came to the town we had passed. It was a walled town with docks and apparently a military garrison on hand.

I was wandering around the town, which was named Starke (a name that would easily define the town itself), hoping to run into my companions when fate threw me a wild card. I heard the sounds of fighting from around a corner and, as I watched, the Castillian ran by pursued by a number of Musketeers! I heard the sounds of a scuffle so I climbed up onto the roof of the building to get a better look and a better position. Two Musketeers were holding the Castillian while a third had him at sword point. With nothing better to fight with I dropped a large ceramic ceiling tile on the third Musketeer's head. He didn't like that one bit!

The Castille took advantage of the distraction to attempt a bid for freedom. It didn't work, of course. Fate hates us I think. I dropped another tile, but this time I was noticed. The Musketeers ordered me off the roof.

Apparently neither they nor the Castillian recognized me which I took for a good omen. I began making protests and playing the part of a dottering old man. Finally they got me down by threatening the Castillian. I almost laughed, but he is a compatriot so I climbed down and was arrested. I really didn't have the strength to fight or run anyway. If the Castille was in trouble I figured the others were as well and I hope we had bought them some time at least.

I found it somewhat amusing that the Castillian did not recognize me. Finally I had found a decent disguise, but not one I would have chosen if I knew what it would take to get it! We were marched into the square of the village where the grand man himself Captain Charles du Chevalier confronted us. The bastard began to taunt the Castillian. Then he asked me my name, which I gave truthfully.

"I am Renaldo de Ricci sir." The Castillians eyebrows raised, but I could see recognition in his eyes.

"Well de Ricci, we now have two of your party and will soon have the rest. Have them shot sergeant." Du Chevalier ordered our death as if we were nothing to him. No person's life should be treated so casually.

"Bah, you not only execute us, you execute the future of Montaigne. The emperor is not a fit ruler and you know this in you heart sir." I don't know why I even bothered to attempt to explain, knowing that du Chevalier would hold to his "honor" even if he were positive we spoke the truth.

"Silence!" The Captain bellowed and then seemed deep in thought for a few moments. "But perhaps I have been hasty. We may be able to find the reason for this insane chase yet." He turned to away from us.

"Take them to the old keep." He ordered his men. "They will be put to the question. We shall see how proud they act once the old Eisen torturer has a crack at them!"

Journal Entry Five

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