Reynaldo Journal: After Discovering that Fellhand Lives as Well!

Death follows me... I cannot believe he is still here! I am tested as no one has ever been tested before! And to add more pain to the misery he has killed yet again! Taken another innocent life simply to make sure I "understand" him. How can it be so hard to understand something so simple?

He is evil, he is the unnamable brought into existence! Theus I know you love all your children and I know that we as a group and myself in particular must have been chosen for this for some reason. I am trying so hard to be strong but he is relentless. He will not stop until he has me. I spit upon my great-grandfathers name! Long may he burn. The bastard sold his own great grandchild for money and power! Of course I am assuming that Fellhand is not lying but by Theus I have no idea why he would want me otherwise? I am a mediocre swordsman at best and I am no great mind of our times so what does he want with me?

Am I truly just payment of an old debt incurred by my ancestor? If so then why did I see fear in his eyes when I ran him threw the thigh in that small church? HE BLED! If he can bleed, he can DIE! I vow, unto Theus and by my very soul that he will die, his time will be ended on this earth and he will be sent back to the flaming pits where he belongs and he will never trouble another living soul for all eternity! I will sacrifice all I have to see this done! I will see this done for my friends, both alive and passed, and for ALL the innocents Fellhand has destroyed! All the lives he has ruined!

Theus I pray to thee, give me the courage to face him and the strength of mind to know what to do and the strength of will to do it!

This I pray, Amen

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