
Reynaldo Remembers

I rolled out of bed and stretched languidly. My spine makes a popping sound all the way up to the base of my skull. “I am far to young and definitely to good looking to feel this tired!” I say to no one in particular as I walk to the wash basin and scrub my face in the warm water. I have long since wondered how there can be warm water in a basin with no hot stone in the water or beneath the bowl. You learn not to questions such things when you are a constant resident at the Fae Queens Rest. It’s just best not too, if you wish to keep your faith about you. I am feeling particularly chipper today and I have no idea why. Today we embark on our quest to find a cure for our noble friend Laurant. Of course our lovely host lady Miriam knows of a possible cure and we have all agreed that no matter what the cost we will get it!

Lady Miriam referred to it as a quest and it truly does sound like one of those old Avalonian legends come to life. Something about rescuing a song bird from a giant? As if there were such a thing! I have seen strange enough things however than to totally discount the legends. I mean sea monsters are not supposed to exist let alone RIVER monsters! I sit on the edge of the bed for a moment and remember all our adventures. We have known each other for such a short time and yet I know these men and women better than I have even known my own brothers and sisters. I trust them with my life and my soul. I can’t help but feel wonderment at the turns our lives have taken. When I first met William he was more of a drowned rat than a future night of Elaine! I was sure that someday Enrique would run me threw for some perceived insult or even a real one for that matter. Volker I often fear we will lose to his inner demons but if I can conquer mine then anyone can! Well I am at least trying to conquer mine. I run my fingers threw my hair. My black hair, not shock white as it was after my first brush with death. I touch my face and feel no scars, no burns from the acid I bathed in when I leapt into the beast mouth. I stare and in the mirror and try and remember.

I try and remember what happened after I fell off the bridge with Fellhand. I remember heat exploding around me. I remember pain, agony, and joy! I remember feeling joy that he was gone and my friends were safe. Then I remember nothing for a long while. Well not really nothing, mists, thick mists and figures, beautiful figures. I remember what must have been a massive hunt. I remember riding a white charger and carrying a standard of some sort. I remember a woman in emerald green. Then I remember waking up in an inn in Avalon. Now that was a shock. Heaven was very different than what I expected to say the least. Then Miriam was there and she took no notice of me other than to say breakfast was getting cold and that we would be having guests for dinner I might know. Needless to say I was in shock, I sat in the room for at least an hour before Miriam poked her head back in the door and said. “Well Mr. DeRicci, not everyone gets all the chances you do, so I don’t suggest you waste any more time locked in a tiny room. The world is still waiting for you.”

I got out of bed and got dressed. I went out and just walked the streets. I watched people laughing and children playing. I saw two men loading hay into a loft. They chatted as they worked about nothing in particular. Just idle banter to pass the time. It was like seeing an incredible piece of art for the first time. Every movement, every sound was precious. I came back to the inn and some how I just knew what I had been threw was over. Over at least for now. That I had been given a reprieve whether I deserved it or not. Theus in his wisdom saw fit that a simple swordsman be given back a life that he may not even have deserved but that he would forever attempt to be worthy off. I knew what my purpose was and I knew I would not stop till my last breath.

I went to dinner early that night. I had an itching in my thumbs that told me who would be there. I get those from time to time now. Like I know something I have no business knowing. I sat in a shadowed end of the table an when I heard a voice it confirmed it for me.

“Peacock? Is that you?” Time to take up the sword and continue the journey. I fear we may have many miles to go before we rest, but ah the journey is what makes the difference.

Reynaldo DeRicci

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