
Reynaldo Journal: 'Tis Been Too Long...

In one night we have managed to attract the notice of not one, not two, but three of legions minions! I had forgotten how interesting life in Vodacci can be. I miss that ignorance, truly I do.

Things went well early on, we found the University easily and delivered the book to its proper owner. The Dean even pointed us to the explorer's society chapter house and confirmed that Coleson had been here asking questions at the University. We then went to the Explorer's society House and met an odd lady from Montaigne that apparently the other members of the party already had encountered once before during my “absence”. She told us Coleson was already gone and that Calagari was looking for him so intensively that the local members of the society had gone into hiding to protect them selves. Two explorers sent to look for Coleson had been found in the canals earlier that week dead. Most likely Calagari's men had discovered them and decided to "question" them as to Coleson's whereabouts. We made arrangements to get supplies and start out after Coleson the next morning.

As we left the Society house we were walking by a restaurant and two gentlemen approached us and informed us that there employer requested our company for diner. I attempted to make the others appear to be my servants and send them on their way but, of course, they insisted that we all accompany them. The gentleman turned out to be one of Calagari's favorite nephews. He was very courteous and questioned us about Coleson's intentions and location. We were being as evasive as possible and were about to be served diner when suddenly our host went silent with a stunned look on his face. He toppled forward into his plate and then we saw the dagger sticking from between his shoulders. A man all in black walked up to him and, as he drew the dagger from the former mister Calagari he introduced himself as Giovanni Villanova. Sabine grew as pale as a sheet and I myself wanted to join the rest of the restaurant in bolting for the door.

Villanova sat himself at our table and told us that the former Mr. Calligari had poisoned the food, but that there was nothing to worry about now and we could hear the screams coming from the kitchen as he said it. Villanova then began to question us in detail as to what Calligari wanted with Coleson, where Coleson was, what our intentions were. When we made it apparent that we were very hesitant to answer he had our waiter sit at the table. Our plates were still in front of us and Villanova slid Sabine's plate in front of the man and told him to eat. The man's eyes were filled with fear but he still picked up his fork and began to slowly raise it to his mouth. We realized that Villanova was going to make this man kill himself before our eyes. We began to answer his questions in earnest, but every time we even hesitated in an answer Villanova had the man inch the fork closer to his mouth.

Finally when he was satisfied we had answered everything he wanted to know he let the man leave. The waiter was in tears of fear and bolted from the table. Then Senor Villanova addressed us directly.

“You will do something for me. You will be attacked tonight by Calligari’s men. You will kill them for me. Then in the morning you will leave with an escort of my own men and find mister Coleson in the swamps. You will also find Calligari’s men who are chasing mister Coleson and kill them as well. After you find mister Coleson you will come back to me.” This was all said with out any emotions. Villanova was simply speaking facts. He also let us know that if we thought of double crossing him the waiter, his family, and several other families of staff in the restaurant would find life very short.

I have heard the stories of Villanova’s ruthlessness but I had no idea the man was a true monster. He was willing to kill not only innocent men and women, but also children! He truly has no honor and is as sick and twisted as Fellhand himself. Which brings me to the final encounter of the evening.

After we had left mister Villanova we went back to the hotel to try and get our thoughts together and get a plan of action together. Before we can however Enrique notices that the compasses are gone! As we are looking someone notices that Talen is also gone! The little thief has betrayed us! I feel like such an idiot! The boy had no reason to be loyal. He did not even have a good reason for continuing to journey with us. He was an admitted thief by Theus! Living away from Vodacce for so long has made me soft. But now we are in my homeland and being soft makes you a soft corpse.

Enrique and I head out with William in tow to find the bragged. I know my first stop. I find a likely suspect and accost him. After the usual denials and indignation I get the information I need from him and I make sure that Talen will have severe problems fencing that little bauble if he hasn’t already. Of course that means we have to find him before they do, but it’s a risk that we must take. We search for quite some time with no luck and return to the hotel.

The door is locked and bared. Apparently there was an attack. Sabine is severely hurt. Volker is still wiping the gore off his armor but appears no worse for the wear as does Lea. Someone asks what we are going to do with them. I say, “What we must.” I hear Lea curse and William takes her upstairs to bring down a cot so we can keep Sabine downstairs with us. I look around the room. Five men…

Doing the work of legion to save the innocent. That’s what I told myself as I killed, no slaughtered 5 human beings in cold blood. Saving the lives of women and children is what I chanted in my mind as Volker and I loaded the dead bodies in a dogcart and dumped them in the canal like rubbish. I do my best to not let myself see the faces but it can’t be helped. One looked no more than 16-17 years of age. I almost retch. Suddenly I stop dead, my eyes go wide my face drains of color. The man I was picking up, for one split second I swore that I was lifting my brother Lucio, the man who gave me my first foil. Then the lantern swings back and it is not he. I am shaky, Volker notices I think because he silently lifts the last man by himself. We get back to the inn, I take the dogcart back and Volker goes inside. I am walking back to the door and there he stands. My mother always said Legion would get me if I didn’t stop my wicked ways. Well momma, here he is.

Fellhand stands in the light of the backdoors lantern. He smiles as best he can with his destroyed face. He holds up his hand in greeting. Just like old friends. I can’t help a rakish grin. He begins talking. I only half listen. I am staring at his face. I want to see what happens to his eyes. Are they the eyes of a dead man? What happens when you sell you soul?

Then he says something that breaks threw to me. “You are free Reynaldo I have no use of you, I have found a willing pupil.” He holds out his hand. Like in a sick nightmare I take it. I surge of unspeakable power rips threw me. I wake lying in front of the door, my head is ringing, my hand still tingles with his touch. I have no idea what has happened but something has.

I stumble back inside. I can feel their eyes on me. The see me and know, I am a murderer. No matter what the reason, I am a murder now. I know I tell about Fellhand and I then I try and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be the longest day of my life, no matter what happens. Because tomorrow will be my first day as a man condemned to legion…

Reynaldo DeRicci

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