Sabene Journal Entry 2:

The little girl still haunts my dreams as well as my reality. She has not shown her face to me in the past day or night. I have heard her melodic giggle down
the hall in passing but no sign of her. We have a new member of our entourage. Apparently he is an old friend with a clumsy servant. The servant is being taught how to be well mannered but he is only just learning these lessons.

The Montaigne noble is Valliere. He is nice as well as proper. According to my brother's standards he would be a man I could marry and that he would approve of. Being married; bah! What a waste of time and energy when one could be out sailing the 6 seas and looking for the 7th?

I have seen more of Carleon today and it is still amazing me with its beauty. I still have not seen buildings like of my native Vodacce. The palace of their Queen is beautiful as well as breathtaking.

We went to the Powder Keg once again tonight. I ended up meeting with the Castillian sword master Don Pablo (as well as helping drag master Volker back to the inn). Master Pablo is more of a "peacock" than my companion Enrique. He has given me a beautiful rose that lies on my bedside table. Enrique has given me one as well, which is in the vase on the scrying table.

Senor Pablo has granted me permission to spar with him tomorrow and promised to give me pointers. I am sure many will agree it is wise to listen to a man that has made me look like a fool. The matron of this house has made me wonder of the tricky or the mystery of Avalon. The atrium has made me wonder as well. I went to take a lit candle in there several times with no success what so ever. I finally decided not to write and take a look around at the plants and try to catch a little ball that glows and flies. I will have to ask what those little things are.

Journal, a strange thing happened in the atrium earlier this evening. The Avalon woman Liah fell asleep in the grass and woke up spewing water like she just fell into the canals of Vodacce. Thankfully Jenner was there to help me carry her back up to her room. I will have to talk to my fellow countryman about this strange situation and see what he thinks.

I already know what the High March men's outlook is on this. The only thing that is keeping him here is the matron of this inn and his feelings for her. Other than that, I know that he would rather see this place from the other side of the street.

Tomorrow is a new day and an exciting one at that. I am to meet Senor Pablo at the Pavilion for a lesson and a "picnic"? I believe that is what he calls it.

Until tomorrow,


Journal Entry Three

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