Sabine Story 1:

These thoughts swirl around in my head as I gasp for breath thinking it will be my last. I am selling to the Delusion Isles? Some hunting place where the rich and pompous people go to hunt big game during the day and where the fops are hunted at night. I set sell with no one other than Captain Berek himself. We sailed on his ship the Hurricane do to last minutes plans that we had to take care of with that ghost child and could not ride the infamous Black Dawn.

I am getting a chance to test my sea legs once again but as I was on the merchant ship La Pavilion I am needed some work. I managed not to let any ropes go and not get beaten with belaying pins for doing so. Reynaldo made me realize why he was meant to be a swordsman and not a merchant sailor. The fool of a Vodacce can't go up the riggings without falling down.

Thank Theus that he managed to get his foot caught in a rope, instead of meeting the deck for an untimely demise. While doing knot work on the robes and pulleys I heard a cry come out of the hold.

Two Avalonian sailors came out dragging a beggar out of the hold. He claims that he fell asleep while loading another ship on the dark docks. As sure as Vodacce blood ran through me I smelled a trap. I don't think that it was a coincidence that we were traveling with Berek and a precious compass and this dockworker managed to get on board.

I cried for the man to be thrown overboard. Enrique was talking about keelhauling the poor man. I have heard of strong Eisen being keelhauled and not being able to say a coherent word before dying. Someone was saying something about stranding him on an island. Why let a stowaway live? Send him to Theus and let his crimes rest with him.

Meanwhile while I was thinking about this, the Avalon crew started chattering like excited puppies. I asked Lia to translate since I couldn't speak that harsh tongue about what was going on. She explained to me that the food had been gone through down in the hull, as well as our luggage. I thought so. I went to see what that street urchin stole of mine so I can properly get it back from him and then give him the fitting punishment for stealing from me.

Down in the hold everything looked as it should except our things were obviously gone through and strewn everywhere. My trunk didn't have the lock broken off of it but the bolts were removed. He was good, but I better for noticing these telltale signs of entry. I took out the key that hung around my neck and checked the contents. Everything was there, including the pin from my brother. My scar seemed to reopen again at my touch to it.

I slammed the trunk closed and re-locked it. I started picking up some things when I came across this box filled with white powder.... Strange, it doesn't look like the Montaigne's makeup case.

I was confused and took it up on deck and asked Reynaldo what it was. It turns out that our food had been poisoned and that we were to pass out after consuming it so this man could help kill us. The man confessed to Enrique about a ship following us, which was to overcome the Hurricane while everyone was passed out. All for the accursed compass, why can't they go to the corner vendor for one? I do not understand its importance.

The pursuing ship was to attack as soon as it was dark. We didn't have much time before the sun went down. The next few minutes were a blur as Berek barked orders to his crew and Lia and myself loaded as many pistols and muskets as we could find. The plan was to lie down on the deck while Enrique watched over the stowaway, who was to give his signal to the other ship that all was well, according to plan. The pursuing ship gained on us fast.

The man turned on us, giving a warning to the other ship and we were fired upon by the quick two-master. I don't remember the next few minutes and can't explain what happened to me except that I felt like I suddenly had the wrath of Theus himself blaze through my skin and I hit the deck with a mighty force! I heard cries of "the Vodacce woman has been shot" then all turned black and a bright light welcomed me…

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