Sabine Story 1:

There is a boat sitting in the Avalonian docks, where a young Vodacce woman hides and waits for the town watch to pass. The heavy footsteps aboard the ship pulse in her ears as the last sounds of the priest did. Fellhand's cackles rang in her ears and she thought she was going mad.

Her empty scabbard moves with the rocking of the boat as a reminder of where her sword is. The priest's heart was holding it and Reynaldo's was hand wrapped around the hilt!

Fellhand… That name is dripping with Legion. How can a Cardinal kill a priest? How was she to know that the person before her was the man that has tried to kill these people, her friends? If he was so powerful why did Reynaldo try to protect me? He is merely mortal, what can he do against Legion's own?

William has sworn to keep me safe so I am going to see if he holds true to his word or if I am going to be swinging from the gallows by the sun's rising... Oh Theus, what am I to do now? I have witnessed a murder of a man that you have chosen to teach your word. What am I to do?

Legion will have my soul if Fellhand gets his way. He said, "one of you will to die tonight." Will it be me? Will it be me?! Will you turn your eyes when he comes for us as I turned my eyes from the priest? What am I going to do? If I pray will you listen? If I ask for your forgiveness will you give it to me?

Oh Theus, I am so scared! If I am to die tonight will I be kept in your graceful kingdom or will Legions abyss take me? Theus please send me a sign and I will look for it.

Please tell me everything will be okay....


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