Sail Names & Plans

The two sail plans below are provided for reference. They come from two different sources so the names may vary slightly.

Two Master

  1. Jib Boom/Bowsprit
  2. Foremast
  3. Main Mast
  4. Main Gaff
  5. Main Boom & Reef Points
  6. Outer jib
  7. Inner jib
  8. Fore Topmast Staysail
  9. Course Sail
  10. Lower Topsail
  11. Upper Topsail
  12. Topgallant
  13. Main Staysail
  14. Middle Staysail
  15. Upper Staysail
  16. Mailsail
  17. Gaff Topsail
  18. Gallows
  19. Poop Deck
  20. Main Deck
  21. Braces
  22. Foretop
  23. Dolphin Striker



  1. Flying jib
  2. Outer jib
  3. Inner jib
  4. Fore topmast staysail
  5. Fore course
  6. Fore lower topsail
  7. Fore upper topsail
  8. Fore lower topgallant sail
  9. Fore upper topgallant sail
  10. Fore royal
  11. Main topmast staysail
  12. Main topgallant staysail
  13. Main royal staysail
  14. Main course
  15. Main lower topsail
  16. Main upper topsail
  17. Main lower topgallant sail
  18. Main upper topgallant sail
  19. Main royal
  20. Mizzen topmast staysail
  21. Mizzen topgallant staysail
  22. Mizzen royal staysail
  23. Crossjack
  24. Mizzen lower topsail
  25. Mizzen upper topsail
  26. Mizzen lower topgallant sail
  27. Mizzen upper topgallant sail
  28. Mizzen royal
  29. Jigger staysail
  30. Jigger topmast staysail
  31. Jigger topgallant staysail
  32. Lower spanker
  33. Upper spanker
  34. Spanker topsail, or just Gaff topsail

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