
Journal Ten

Castillian prison.

I'd been in a few prisons myself, and this one was no different. It seems that their ship did not come into the harbor, but Volker and Patrik ran into trouble nonetheless. Unfortunately for us, it was still there when we arrived, after they had been efficiently dispatched.

My business with the swordsman guild was concluded, Andre had not checked in for a number of years. The number of which coincided with the events so many years ago. It was probably time that I faced the inevitable truth, that I was indeed alone. The lone survivor of my father's murderous machinations, whose purpose that I could only guess at. Andre and my mother are dead and I'm all that remains of them in this world.

And I find it lacking.

Maybe surviving isn't enough, maybe�


The others, Sabine, William, and Reynaldo, finished up their business with the university and we met outside the dock.

An empty dock.

We thought.

The absence of Patrik and Volker should have cued us to something. But we did not.

The seemingly empty dock held the one of the few true dangers of Castille, only a shadows of themselves in other places, we were in their very land.

The Inquisition.

A leader stepped forth to confront us on the dock, but within moments his true hand was revealed. We were surrounded.

We were caught there, I thought, outnumbered and outgunned.

The Inquisitor gave us an ultimatum, which was promptly rejected by William and the others.

My opinion wasn't solicited.

Like swimming, actual fighting is not my forte, my talents lie in other places. I felled myself at the first blow. The others fought well, while not a swordsman, William was a talent with his own sword.

But in the end it was for the entertainment of the Inquisitor, as he called his men aside.

Producing two bloodied bodies of men.

Not dead, but being put to the sword.

While there was disgust over the turn of events, there was no hesitation. William, Sabine, and Reynaldo laid down their swords. The package that they had taken to the university, was obviously what the Inquisition wanted. But it was taken forcefully from Sabine.

And we were taken to the courts of Castille.

While the others were searched fairly well, I was left with most of my things.

Among them, my coveted lockpicks.

The Castillian judge's verdict was a more like a prepared statement, regardless of our own attempts to defend ourselves. I guess I expected something to be different, but I've found that true justice in Theah is hard to find.

We were to be executed for crimes against Castille.

Luckily for my cohorts, I had slipped from the noose many times before, and escape WAS my forte.

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