
Journal Eleven

And escape we did.

Or I did and let the others out, I didn't find the locks that imprisoned me that difficult.

I had been interrupted by the guard, delivering, what I'm sure they were considering our last meal. Due to Volker's impetuousness, we almost didn't get that. He had been the first to receive some water and something passable as some sort of gruel. The Eisen tossed back the water dish through the food slot, hitting the guard on the other side.

That accomplished little but revoke the rest of our food privileges. For a moment, it was.

The guard shoved the dirty bowl to Patrik, to show just how serious they were about it. And to the rest of our surprise, and no doubt the guard's, the Avalon cleaned the dish as well as he could and slipped it back through his own slot.

Guards can be reasonable, I suppose, although I had met few in Frieburg.

But these were, and Castillian guards resumed giving us our sustenance because of Patrik's act.

It was something to take note of, I thought.

I actually wished the guards wouldn't have come at all, I had nearly escaped by that time, but was delayed by their arrival.

It was much easier to free the others from the other side, as it usually is.

This prison had been one of the largest I had ever been in. And I began to talk among the prisoners, freeing them as I saw fit. Which I did often until the others stopped me. The swordwoman Sabine agreed with me, but she too was shouted down by Reynaldo, and a bit by William, whose tone was a bit more reasonable, but contained the same sentiment.

Theirs was that most of these people belonged here, although I knew that was not entirely the case.

A few of them belonged there, but most, like us, were unjustly imprisoned with little or no reason. Either by the Inquisition or by the imperfect justice of Castille, not unlike that which was rampant in Theah.

Justice easily bought or manipulated by those in power, suffered by those who had little of their own.

I didn't have the time to argue the point, though I wished I could have done more that day. The guards began to come around, and the others, even without their weapons, subdued them. But I knew there would be more.

As I said before, the prison was huge. I had no idea how we would escape past this point. I began to talk to the people I had freed before, and the name of a prisoner came up. I found the gentleman in question he began to talk with Reynaldo and the others.

There was another way out, and easier way�

And with a fresh batch of guards in pursuit, we escaped through the depths of the dungeon. The way was uncomfortable and dark, though I imagine, it was more uncomfortable for the others, as I was a bit smaller than them due to my youth.

With the gentleman's help, whose name I cannot rightly remember (a fact that he would not doubt appreciate), we came up from underneath an abandoned warehouse.

There's always an abandoned warehouse.

With a secret exit or entrance.

Lucky for us, I guess.

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