
Journal Fourteen

I've never had the fortune… or the misfortune… to be saved by bandits.

What happened next was without a doubt the oddest, most peculiar event that I ever had the memory to keep.

William, Volker, and Patrik were trying to hold their own against the Inquisition guards, Sabine and Reynaldo galloping down to render what aid they could. The carriage containing their "friends" suspiciously silent.

And from over the opposite hill came their saviors.

True bandits.

Maybe I should have never called out to the forest. But I suppose that if I hadn't, things would hav been much grimmer for the others.

Luckily for Enrique these bandits had a touch of piety in them. When the Castillian bandits came over the hill, most of the Inquisition guards that were left gathered their horses and left themselves. More than a few were injured by my associates, but they were far worse for wear. Even toward the end, Sabine and Reynaldo had been struck at, though not down. But by far, it was William, Volker and Patrik that fared the worse.

Oddly enough, the carriage remained even as the others had fled. The bandits rounded up my injured companions, and their leader walked up to the carriage. True to the form that Enrique was playing he stepped out as if he owned all before him and the bandits were his very subjects. I can't imagine that would have worked anywhere but Castille, where their Vaticine faith is highly revered. And not only their faith, but the mouths and instruments that would profess it. This was also the first time that I saw Lia.

Who played the part of a servant well, even if I could tell that it wasn't much to her liking.

At this point, unfortunately for me, the bandits had also rounded me up.

It was rather fortuitous that the other agents of the Inquisition had beat a quick retreat. Otherwise it would have been harder for Enrique to convince the real bandit leader not to finish off his friends. I'm not exactly sure what was said, as it was in hushed whispers and my Castillian, at that point, had been rusty.

But in the end, much to my confusion, the bandits were persuaded to leave.

These must be the luckiest people I have ever met.

And the thought crossed my mind that I might be better off on my own than with these…


But I overestimate myself, I think…

And maybe underestimate them as well…

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