
Journal Fifteen

After our miraculous rescue of their possessions in Castille, the group had business in Vodacce.

We would be going to Dionna, home of the black prince, Villanova. There was some business of mine in Vodacce as well, but I wouldn't even try to wrap that up. As much as I like wrapping up loose ends, my father's going to have to wait until I get braver, or he gets deader. I didn't want a confrontation with him, if I could avoid it, and here I could.

Call me a coward if you will, but if he felt that he needed to finish the job, I have no doubt he would. I hope I haven't inherited that black heart of his�

During the trip to Vodacce, I sorted through Enrique's things, more curious about the package that was so important that they were crossing the whole of Theah and risking their lives for.

Some kind of compasses.

But instead of pointing North like the ones of Montaigne make, they pointed toward each other. And they were not made by man, I was certain. Syrneth, perhaps?

Not that they would tell me, and with good reason, I wouldn't have told me.

Not a self professed thief.

And those damnable cigars, I wish I had never seen those�

Even without a visit to my father, the trip through Vodacce was no better than the experience in Castille. Far too many of the wrong people looking for and finding us, and the intriguing compasses were at the center of it all.

I, too, didn't conduct myself as well as I should have. A number of mistakes on my part could have easily ended my own life there. The first began with those cigars I mentioned before. Expensive cigars kept by Enrique, that I felt needed to be distributed among the others while he was away. I meant it as a harmless prank, both in humor and to show a bit of my ability. At that point it seemed that it was excepted at that.

My second mistake was exploring the whole of Dionna, while the others went to that university to check with an Explorer there. Had I went with them then, some things could have been avoided. Because as I went through the city, I lifted a few things, not because I needed the money, but to keep in practice. I guess my mind was a bit distracted by the surroundings, thoughts of my new associates, and bits of my past. There was a guild in Dionna, a thieves' guild, naturally, and I broke one of the cardinal rules of pickpocketing, not to do so where another guild was in evidence.


And then there was that dinner.

The dinner where we obviously cordially invited a few of Calagari's men, and of course, Giovanni Villanova.

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