
Journal Seventeen

If what Villanova said was true, I really had no wish to be at the inn that we were staying at and where going to be ambushed by.

It made sense that if the Calagari's couldn't get what they wanted from us that they would rather kill us instead of running the risk that Villanova was going to find out what we carried.

Enrique Montoya, however, was a bit unimpressed by the whole thing. He insisted that I, go get him a whore so that he could ease his own appetite. I refused. There was no way that I was going to risk someone else's life in what I was sure was going to be a stand up fight.

So, with that reply, he asked Reynaldo to do the same.

Reynaldo had almost the same reaction.

We told the innkeeper that something was going to happen that night and it would be best that he wasn't there.

He agreed.

Enrique went out to pursue his other interests, while the others prepared.

And I�


I intended to return, but not that night, not until the others concluded this business of an ambush returned.

I never told the others where I was, as I knew of only one place that would be relatively safe from depredations of the Princes of Vodacce.

A church, Vaticine, of course, there would be no other in Vodacce.

Like all things in Dionna, the church was massive and in large part ancient in my reckoning. I tithed a bit of my earnings of the day and took in the massive columns and frescos of this cathedral. The pews were comfortable enough, padded, of course.

Would there have been a church like this in Frieburg.

But even there, I thought of the rickety building there in Eisen, where the padre would take up service every week. Where the floors were wooden, and in some parts rotten, where the windows were shattered and the candlelight was dim.

The candlelight seemed dim here too, but it was night and the dozens of candles lit couldn't possibly light the massive vaulted ceilings of this place. But their flickering light played on the pious murals on the walls and ceilings, giving those characters in them the eerie feeling of movement.

From there I wondered about my turn of events, if I was going to try to make it back to Frieburg, or roam Theah with these people.

Would these people be friends, or simply a means to an end?

What was I going to do?

What I should have done, was not return to the inn.

Were they going to be friends, indeed.

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